The votes of the Good Party are decreasing, and the Nationalist Movement Party is on the rise

Poll conducted by PİAR: The votes of the Iyır Party are decreasing, and the Nationalist Movement Party is on the rise

According to the poll, the voting rates for the parties are as follows:

– Justice and Development Party: 32 percent

– Republican People’s Party: 27.2 percent

– Nationalist Movement: 15.3 percent

– Target: 8.1 percent

– EYI Party: 5 percent

– Restoring prosperity: 4.9 percent

– Victory Party: 2.6 percent

– Type: 2.2 percent

Survey analysis

Piar Research analyzed the survey results below:

“Some of the highlights of our survey, the first research conducted after the change of CHP president, are as follows:

1- The pessimistic atmosphere that prevailed before the conference has receded. Although the CHP was up 1.4 points from the last election, it was up 7 points according to our October study.

2- The “Eye” party lost half of its voters since the elections and about 3 points of votes after the Republican People’s Party congress.

3- Although the Justice and Development Party, one of the parties of the People’s Alliance, is losing votes quickly, these votes mostly flow to parties such as the Nationalist Movement Party and the Welfare Restoration Party.

4- We believe that the presence of parties that did not participate in the elections with their own lists in Parliament, such as Diva, Future, Happiness, Hoda Bar, the Democratic Party and the Democratic Left Party, was not sufficient to increase their vote percentages and create a state of political uncertainty. New voter base.

5- When we look at the total votes of the HEDEP and TIP parties, we see that this alliance maintains its strength and its main role.

6- The only party that increased its votes from the opposition right is the Dhafer Party, due to the emergence of disintegration in the Good Party.

(Tags for translation)Poll

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