Walter Bouzán travels to Australia for Surski World Cup and The Doctor

Walter Bouzán travels to Australia for Surski World Cup and The Doctor

Today he will fly to Australia via Madrid and Qatar, where he is the most international athlete in the Riba de Sella committee. Walter Bouzán travels to the opposite coast of Asturias to compete in the Sea Kayaking or Surfing World Cup (canoe ocean race). The competition is scheduled to take place on Western Australian waters next week, November 30 to December 3. On Thursday the 30th she will compete in the SS2 mixed event with Judit Vergés, with whom she has already competed in 2019 before she was officially crowned champion, and on Saturday the 2nd of December in the SS1.

Previously, in order to adapt to these waters, the man from Rio de Janeiro will compete in the “Doctor” race, one of the most prestigious regattas in these waters, on Saturday, November 25, and score points in the Professional World Cup. The entire Spanish team will take part. “We went to the place where surfboards were invented and, like foreigners coming to the Serra for the first time, we fought with the inhabitants of the river. Even though we were getting closer to them, it was going to be very difficult because there were very Good people and we will fight with the best in the world,” said the man from Rio de Janeiro.

Walter Bouzán doesn’t know how he will perform in the individual test on Saturday, December 2, as he has not been able to train as he would like for about two months. One is because the sea conditions are bad, and the other is “because I have just recovered from pneumonia, so it will be very difficult to enter the top ten.” His goal is to “enjoy”, as he has done during his international tours in Brazil, Greece, Italy and Portugal.The test will be conducted over a distance of 21 kilometersBetween Fremantle and Scarborough Beach.

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