The bond between Israel and America – Hilal Kaplan

Israel entered the founding phase with the Declaration sent by Lord Balfour, Foreign Secretary of the British War Government, to Lord Rothschild, leader of the Zionist movement, with the approval of Prime Minister Lloyd George. The understanding to establish a Jewish state on the Palestinian territories was adopted by a state for the first time and was adopted after World War I. Palestine is under the British Mandate And Jewish immigration to Palestine With encouragement The second stage has been entered.
The final blow, as you know, is the accelerated migration after the Holocaust and World War II. In conjunction with the establishment of the United Nations after World War II to partition Palestine and recognize the State of Israel, the Zionist militias were subjected to force of arms. 750 thousand Palestinians They were expelled from their homes to their lands By setting (The Nakba) came. Israel, based on occupation, The occupation continues
secondly. The main power that established the United Nations and recognized Israel after World War II was the undisputed hegemon, the United States of America. Today, America’s relationship with Israel is closer than it was when it was based on mutual benefit. Some say Israel “In the Middle East The largest American base and aircraft “boat” While some know America as… “Israel’s puppet” He sees that.
Today, citizens in 35 of America’s 50 states have the right to boycott American products. But boycotting Israeli products is prohibited.
While today it can easily be said that America committed genocide against the indigenous Indian population, saying that Israel committed genocide may result in you losing your job.
While it is possible as an American citizen to say that America is the biggest terrorist nation in the world today, saying so in the mainstream media will get you blacklisted.
90 year old American Helen thomas, From Kennedy to Obama White in all ten presidential terms He was the palace correspondent. day,
“The US Congress, the White House, Owner of Hollywood and Wall Street “They are Zionists” He said his career was over.
“People are afraid of our ideas in this country.” Who is in control? “You should be aware” Saying the same Even if he defends it, it is of no use. after two years He left with a broken heart.
After a decade, Americans began to realize who controlled their thoughts. There are many topics, including the inclusion of the Zionist lobbying organization AIPAC on the list of “foreign agents”, the lack of support for the politicians they fund, the spread of the BDS movement, and the fact that unfounded accusations of anti-Semitism do not have the same effect, and there is no going back to Backwards.
Ten years from now October 7 2023 is the beginning of the end Face I think we’ll see.

(tags for translation) The White House

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