75% do not treat all symptoms

· When symptoms first appeared, more than half of the respondents (notably 54.3%) stated that they did not take any measures to relieve symptoms; only when symptoms worsened, 40.2% took anti-influenza drugs, which are used to deal with different symptoms. The most effective way to treat symptoms of flu and colds.

· Regarding this year’s flu season, data collected in the Southern Hemisphere indicates that there will not be as many cases this year as in 2022, but the onset will last longer.

Cold temperatures have been with us throughout the fall and winter, which means the start of cold and flu season, and data shows the incidence of these respiratory viruses is increasing. Cough, headache, malaise, nasal congestion or fever are the most common and typical symptoms of these diseases that affect a large number of citizens. Specifically, three-quarters of Spaniards suffer from the flu or cold at least once a year, with 10% claiming to have recurring symptoms of these illnesses regardless of the season.1That’s according to research conducted for Kenvue by international consultancy Kantar.

The report also revealed that 75% of people do not treat the different symptoms of flu and colds, while 25% opt for specific treatments for these illnesses.1. In this sense, the data from this study also show that more than half of the respondents did not take any action when the first symptoms appeared, specifically 54.3%; the situation changes when the flu intensifies, because at this time 40.2 % of people do turn to flu medication.

“Covid-19, influenza and the common cold are three viral diseases that present symptoms that make patients sick. Therefore, thorough treatment of their symptoms is a good way to better deal with these diseases, where multi-symptom treatment plays a role Important role. In this sense, in the case of flu and colds, when more effective methods become available in anti-flu drugs, people turn to drugs such as paracetamol, because these drugs contain other active ingredients besides paracetamol , such as dextromethorphan, which relieves coughs due to its antitussive effect; chlorpheniramine, an antihistamine active ingredient for runny noses and sneezing; caffeine to fight decay, and vitamin C to aid tissue repair.” said pharmacist Francisco Javier Iniesta.

Here’s what’s forecast for the 2023-24 flu season

According to data collected by the Carlos III Institute’s Surveillance System for Acute Respiratory Infections (SiVIRA), influenza activity began to increase during these weeks in November, with cases in primary care intensifying.2. This is increasing, but not the same as last year, as the same week in 2022, the flu rate reached 14%, compared to 2.1% this year. The last quarter’s sustained rise since 2023 began with a sharp rebound in flu cases. In the first week of January, testing for the virus increased by nearly 185%, specifically, an increase of 183.96% compared to 20223As noted by data from the Influenza Surveillance System of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII)2.

This year, reference data The southern hemisphere winter (May to August) has ended, and the rebound in flu season cases is expected to be weaker than last winter.4but the time is longer, causing the onset of these viral infections to last throughout the autumn and winter months.

Estanislao Nistal, Ph.D., researcher and professor of microbiology at the Department of Pharmacy, Central European University San Pablo, explained this way: “We are expected to reach the peak of flu infections later in 2023 than last year, probably after Christmas. This is logical since this is a time of increased interaction and contact, so the flow of infections tends to increase. It is also important to emphasize that since the first wave of cases in October 2022 has not yet occurred, this flu and cold season is expected to be more similar to what we experienced before the pandemic began.

Flu and colds coexist with Covid-19

Although influenza is currently at a stable level, SARS-CoV-2 Cases continue to rise day after day. Covid-19 cases have increased this summer due to the emergence of new variants such as EG.5 and BA.2.86.

As Estanislao Nistal details, the coexistence of these different diseases will continue to be the norm: “Influenza and Covid-19 are both respiratory diseases caused by viruses, and they have similar symptoms in the mildest cases: fever, malaise, runny nose… Both diseases share similar routes of transmission, so from SARS-CoV-2 “They share space with other respiratory viral infections caused by adenovirus, rhinovirus and other coronaviruses.”

In this context, the authorities encourage high-risk people over the age of 65 to receive the flu vaccine and the Covid-19 vaccine to protect against both diseases, the latter being a single-dose vaccine, as the Council has already noted.national health system 2023-2024 Seasonal Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations5. The influenza vaccination campaign began in October this year and will continue until the end of January, with the aim of vaccinating 75% of high-risk groups. In this context, due to the coexistence of influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2, the 2023 campaign will be a permanent and special one, since the synergistic effect observed between the two infections increases the risk of death by one times6.7.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask your primary care doctor or pharmacist.

fountain: Augili

refer to:

1. Kantar Research, (UK/Spain) 2023 – KENVUE Proprietary Research. 3,523 survey samples.

2. Sentinel Surveillance of Acute Respiratory Infections for Influenza, COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Viruses in Primary Care (ARI) and Hospitals (SARI) – Carlos III Health Institute Week 43/2022 (23-29 October 2022)

3. Sentinel Surveillance of Acute Respiratory Infections for Influenza, COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Viruses in Primary Care (ARI) and Hospitals (SARI) – Carlos III Health Institute Week 39/2022 (January 2-9, 2023)

4. Influenza Tracker Report (Australia). See https://info.flutracking.net/reports/australia-reports/

5. Information was collected from the Ministry of Health’s “2023-2024 Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Recommendations.” Available: https://www.sanidad.gob.es/areas/promocionPrevencion/vacunaciones/gripe_covid19/docs/RecommendationsVacunacion_Gripe-Covid19.pdf

6. Covid-19: UK data shows people who have the flu more than double their risk of death. British Medical Journal 2020;370:m3720 https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3720

7. Stowe J, Tessier E, Zhao H et al. Interactions between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza and the impact of co-infections on disease severity: a test-negative design. International Journal of Epidemiology. Aug 30, 2021;50(4):1124-1133. doi:10.1093/ije/dyab081

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