How to protect yourself from cold fronts?Measures to avoid respiratory illness

with entry Cold Front No. 11 People are urged to take extreme precautions to avoid health problems. healthy. In Mexico, these conditions last from September to May.

According to the National Water Commission, this meteorological phenomenon is caused by the collision of a large amount of cold air with a large amount of water. heat.

Because of its higher density, cold air acts like a “wedge” underneath hot air, creating movement and causing instability in the air. atmosphere in various regions across the country.

As a result, there will be frost, falling temperatures, strong winds, high waves, rainfall and cloudy weather.This makes people more vulnerable, especially where there are external agents that generate Respiratory Diseases.

Allergies, colds, and other respiratory illnesses increase during this season. Photo: Pixabay

Allergies, colds, and other respiratory illnesses increase during this season. Photo: Pixabay

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In addition to the obvious impact on climate, the impact also decreases as temperatures drop. ventilation homes, workplaces or school classrooms, which facilitate the spread of the virus.

This is largely due to vasoconstriction (reduced blood flow to the nasal passages) that weakens the immune system.that’s all respiratory system Reducing its ability to heat and humidify the air before it enters the body.

Another effect of the coldness of this season is dryness of the nose, which hinders its function as a barrier against the entry of foreign matter. Virusmicroorganisms are more resistant to low temperatures.

this Respiratory Diseases The most common records during the season are:

  • Got a cold
  • bronchitis
  • rhinitis
  • allergy
  • pharyngitis
  • tonsillitis
  • asthma
  • pneumonia
Cold reduces the body's defenses. Photo: Pixabay

Cold reduces the body’s defenses. Photo: Pixabay

Also read Veracruz Gray Alert activated for Cold Front 11 and “Northern” Cold Front

this Sanitation Committee It was explained that the groups most vulnerable to respiratory illnesses from cold fronts are children under 5 years old, pregnant women and the elderly.

Therefore, it is worth considering the following measures to protect your body and strengthen your body’s defenses. biology:

  • Eat more yellow fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A and C
  • Wear thick clothing and closed shoes that cover the entire body.
  • Know the weather forecast
  • When leaving a hot place, cover your mouth and nose to avoid breathing in cold air.
  • If you can’t stay home, avoid walking on ice
  • If you use a heater or fireplace, check that there is adequate ventilation to avoid poisoning.
  • Use gloves and blankets at night
  • Prepare an emergency kit for snowy areas

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