who was filippo pozzo di borgo who died quasi amici

who was filippo pozzo di borgo who died quasi amici

Who Was Filipe Pozzo di Borgo: His True Story Inspired Almost Friends. Paragliding drama and the arrival of his caretaker: who is Omar Sy’s character in reality

Almost Friends was one of the most popular comedies of the 2000s. A phenomenon of French cinema, largely responsible for its rebirth in the last 15–20 years. A brilliant, poignant and painful tale inspired by a true story, updated today with terrible news. Filipe Pozzo di Borgo, who inspired Almost Friends with his life, has passed away. A well-known entrepreneur, he was played by François Cluzet in the original French version and by Bryan Cranston in the American remake, which brought a lot of controversy on the Breaking Bad actor’s shoulders for playing an incompetent character despite not being one (Extreme Political Correct to its fullest, ed.). Filipe Pozzo di Borgo, 72, passed away on June 1, 2023. He would have died in Marrakech and the newspaper Le Figaro announced it. The man has always loved living life to the fullest and a paragliding accident in 1993 left him a quadriplegic, forcing him to constantly assist.

Philip Pozzo di Borgo causes of death

A decidedly incredible story, that of Filipe Pozzo di Borgo, famous for Almost Friends, who told his story in a minimalistic way, at times fanciful. The entrepreneur belonged to an aristocratic family, which allowed him to live comfortably while enjoying the luxuries of a luxurious building in Paris. However, his earnings were linked not only to his surname but also to his work as an entrepreneur. However, life has been able to “give” him various pains, such as the premature death of his wife due to a rare tumor. In 1993, then, he was the hero of a paragliding accident that made him a quadriplegic. A third of his life was confined to a wheelchair, constantly assisted, paralyzed from the head down. He then devoted himself to writing the book The Guardian Devil, which allowed him to recount his constant struggle with his body, which was ever in constant motion. He was battling depression over the death of his wife and the feeling of being a worthless and finished man after becoming a quadriplegic. However, he was able to find the strength to react, engaging in social work and finding a way back to life, albeit still. The turning point in the life of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, as in Almost Friends, is the appearance of Abdel Selu, played by Omar Sy in the original French version of the film and by Kevin Hart in the US remake. The man is an Algerian immigrant with a complicated history. At that time he was released from prison and became the caretaker of the incredibly great entrepreneur. Their relationship was somewhat stormy, at least in the beginning, and then turned into a very solid friendship that has seen them grow thanks to their respective experiences and different outlooks on living. Filipe Pozzo di Borgo had two children by his first wife, Beatrice Roche, Letitia and Robert Jean. He later remarried to Khadija, with whom he had two more children, Sabah and Vijdane. Her support even in the most delicate moments, such as when he attempted suicide by wrapping an oxygen tube around his neck. Many dark moments in his life but also a lot of happiness. No official note has been released on the cause of his death, which obviously leaves room for the wildest speculations currently circulating online. What comes to mind is that he had complications from his health conditions, due to which he eventually breathed his last.

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