Foods to help avoid the flu and colds

most spanish Don’t know what food boost immunity Although preventing winter diseases 83% what do you know diet it is Influencing factorsaccording to a study Juice Science Center (FJSC) and Savanta Conrace Based on more than 8,000 adults From Spain, Germany, France and the UK.

“only 18% of Spanish Point to meat As a source of key nutrients (iron and zinc), 46% choose fish and protein (beans and eggs)58% know about juice and Smoothies Natural fruit favor immunity but it is 32% People who drink a glass of juice every day, FJSC reports.

Most people know Vitamin C yes The key to optimal immunitybut “many people cannot Identify other vitamins and Minerals“Contributions can be made, e.g. Vitamin E, selenium and zinc.

About which nutrients can Enhance immunity, Less than a third of Spaniards Choose Vitamin E (Found in nuts and seeds, grapefruit juice, and red peppers).

As for other flu-positive nutrients, “Only” 6% They mentioned selenium, 19% folic acid (it is found in many vegetables and orange juice) and 4% copper (Often found in seafood and beans).

nutritionist Ramon de Cangas Recommended A glass of orange juice a day; At least 5 servings of fruit daily and vegetable; At least Eat one serving of oily fish per week; Have whole grain cereals, bread, rice and corn for breakfast, as well as some nuts, such as Brazil nuts.

colds and flu

48% foresee eventually catch a cold anyone Got the flu this winter“This is equivalent to more than 22.8 million people“:in, 48% will self-isolate If so, while 61% will use masks.

51% said they would go to work even if they were sick“This increases the office’s “lesion”,as well as 6% no longer wash their hands If you suffer from winter sickness.

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