Respiratory illnesses on the rise in Reynosa

Respiratory disease consultations increase

Respiratory diseases are on the rise due to low temperatures. The Red Cross will serve up to 15 people per day.

El Mañana / Staff. – Consultations for respiratory diseases increased by 90% during low temperatures. At the local Red Cross, they care for 15 to 20 patients every day. Common cold, cough or flu.


Héctor Abundio Rivera del Ángel, the city’s Red Cross doctor on duty, said the number of medical visits had increased significantly, with children and the elderly attending more frequently.

“Yes, it’s increased a lot, we treat it like a virus, just a common cold, a common flu; there have been no complicated patients so far, at least among the people who come here, we haven’t had such complicated patients either, “explain.

  • He explained that so far, no cases of COVID-19 patients have been recorded, however, a clinical history examination is always performed to rule out or confirm patients.

Doctors note that it is important not to self-medicate, not knowing what medical history he may have, because many times they think it is a common flu, which can be complicated by taking certain medications.

“The main advice is that when symptoms appear, you must consult quickly to take more extreme measures, which are worse for the patient; secondly, start treatment with a trusted doctor, do not self-medicate, and as the climate changes, always Keep walking warm to avoid more,” he said.

He explained that when a person’s respiratory problems don’t receive prompt care, the situation can become complicated and lead to pneumonia.

“In principle, we will start with pneumonia, which is the main problem in these seasons and if not treated quickly it becomes complex, when the patients are already too complex and they need quick care, sometimes there is nothing we can do. More In our hands; starting with a cold, then starting with a cough, then there is phlegm, they take medicine,” he said.

He explained: “The role of the drug is no longer to remove sputum, but the sputum is still stored in the lungs, and over time, the sputum will form bacteria; the bacteria will give us pneumonia, which will lead to more complications Symptoms. Sometimes their lungs are damaged due to untreated pneumonia from the common flu.”

No complicated patients have been registered so far, please seek medical attention promptly if possible to avoid complications.

“Again, when you start to get the common flu, self-medicate and start quickly or see a doctor, and if you find you’re not responding well despite treatment, see a specialist to see what medicine you should be on, be sure to Get treatment on time,” he stressed.

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