Pope Francis cancels Saturday events due to ‘mild flu’ and studies on him

EFE.- The pope francisco No risk of lung complications after CT scan this Saturdaymild flu status“It was the pain he suffered which led to him canceling his commitment for the day.

“Early afternoon, pope francisco Had a computed tomography (CAT) scan at Gemelli Isola Hospital Rome to rule out the risk of pulmonary complications. The test result came back negative and the pope returned to Casa Santa Marta,” the Holy See reported in a statement.

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a few hours ago, Holy See It was announced that the agenda scheduled for this Saturday for the Pope had been canceled because the Pope was suffering from a “mild flu”.

“Due to a mild case of influenza, the papal audience scheduled for this morning has been canceled,” a brief statement from the Catholic Church stated. Holy See.

he pope francisco Today he is scheduled to meet with Guinea-Bissau President Oumaro Sissoko Embalo, while his commitments for the coming days remain on the agenda, including a visit Dubai Attend Friday 1st December COP28 Summit about him climate change.

Likewise, he plans to attend the Synod of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference at the Vatican Cathedral on November 28 and receive Paraguayan President Santiago Peña the day before, on the 27th.

On November 6, the Pope himself Francisco He explained in a tired voice that he was not in good health and that he did not want to read the speech he had prepared for a reception with European rabbis, but he did not interrupt the agenda.

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“Good morning, I send my greetings to you all and welcome you. Thank you for your visit, I enjoyed it very much, but it happens that I am not in good health, so I do not want to read the speech, but give it to you so that you can Accept.” The pope’s voice was tired and hoarse.

Later, the spokesman of the bureau Holy SeeMatteo Bruni clarified that day that the pope had “a bit of a cold” but that his activities were continuing..

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