Rising cases of childhood pneumonia in northern China cause concern

this World Health Organization World Health Organization (WHO) expresses concern over recent wave of outbreaks Pneumonia cases in children Located in northern China.

Through an official statement, the organization asked Chinese authorities to provide details about a worrying increase in respiratory illnesses.

The Chinese government has recorded an increase in the incidence of such illnesses, which they attribute to the easing of preventive measures against COVID-19 and the spread of known pathogens such as influenza and pneumonia, a Nov. 13 press conference reported. Mycoplasma.

Despite the health system’s efforts to strengthen surveillance and care capabilities, reports provided by ProMED and multiple media outlets on November 21 mentioned groups of children affected by undiagnosed cases of pneumonia, and the situation still caused alarm.

Regarding this situation, WHO asks for epidemiological data and laboratory results to clarify whether these cases are related to the general increase in respiratory infections that have been reported in China.

While it seeks more information, the World Health Organization advises people in China to take precautions to minimize the risk of contracting respiratory illnesses.

March 2023 WHO accuses Chinese government Withholding critical information about the origins of the coronavirus pandemic and demanding Asian countries be “transparent” in sharing data.

increase in cases Pneumonia in children in northern my country The rest of the world is also sounding the alarm amid fears of a new wave of the virus, reminiscent of the restrictions experienced in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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