More than 100,000 people have been vaccinated against influenza in Jaén – Jaén

The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Government of Andalusia started the first phase of the 2023-2024 influenza and Covid-19 vaccination campaign on October 9, one month later. 1 million doses of flu vaccine and nearly 700,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine administeredequal to the number recorded in the previous activity.

This means that nearly 50% of the total doses available for this event have been delivered.

“It is undoubtedly good news that for another year Andalusians continue to take responsibility for their own health and the health of those around them. Vaccines are safe and effective tools for preventing serious illness and hospitalization. For this reason, we appeal to all the most vulnerable groups, the elderly, children, patients with chronic diseases, pregnant women, health and social care professionals who have not yet received the double vaccine against influenza and COVID-19… To make an appointment through Salud please respond to ClicSalud+ or at your health center , to protect yourself against these viruses this fall and winter,” they noted.

The 2023-2024 influenza and Covid-19 vaccination campaign started on 9 October, with vaccinations being given to people in care homes and disability centres; people aged over 85, and health and social care professionals. Since October 16, people over the age of 70 have also been vaccinated; children 6 months or older, adolescents and adults with chronic medical conditions; highly dependent people and professional caregivers at home; pregnant and postpartum women need to vaccinate children Anti-influenza vaccine, children aged 6 to 59 months need to get the childhood anti-flu vaccine.and Vaccination will begin on October 30 for those over 60 years of age and professional groups (security forces and corps, ranchers, penitentiary institutions…). Starting in December, family members of people over 60 years old, people with chronic diseases and high-risk groups, as well as pregnant and postpartum women will receive influenza and new crown vaccines.

For this event, the Junta de Andalusia acquired Flu vaccinations increased 7.5% over 2022, totaling 2.2 million doses. The increase is largely attributable to one of the campaign’s most striking innovations: lowering the starting age for adult influenza vaccination to 60 years.

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