It was Donduran Casa! Autobusün camından fırladı, try ozrinden gitti

1dk Okuma

Brezilya’da yolcu taşıyan bir otobüsün hemzemin geçitte trene karpması sonucu 37 yasındaki bir kadın ikiye bölünerek hayatını kaybetti.

17. Kassim Coma visited Brasília in Brasília on the battlefield, Ismenin Julia de Albuquerque Violato Oldogo Ogreniline Caden Hayaten Kepederken 4 Kishinen de Yaralandeje Ogrenielde.


Kazanin Giorentolrinde Kurna Kalarak can be trained hızla otobüse doğru ilerlediği ve zamanında duramadığı görülüyor.

Yrel Pasinda is Alan Haberlerdi who has been training for mountaineering in 37 years for more than 37 years of hair loss and thirty Tarafindan Žlidije Bilertildi.

If you want to know more about the rules of the game, you can also read information about the rules of the game.

Yaralilarin Isimleri Ajiklande

If you have any questions, you will have to play 4 items in the same country.

58 years ago, Neldt Antunes Vitor spent time on a business trip, and 28 years ago he lived in Julio Botello Fernández, who worked in the transportation and transportation industry, and managed to get a job.

Esmin Gundersson Rodrigues da Costa leads 47 times and goes one-goal high, scoring 42 past Pedro Domines Campos from his first penalty kick. I am here.

Sorochoturma paschalladi

This is also the case when it comes to the same place. 37 attached yaşındaki kurbanın “It’s all over the place, then” You can’t do anything without it.

However, this is the reason why this is not the case.

(tags for translation)brezilya

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