“Rape, murder and kidnapping of children.” A ferocious campaign against Gigi Hadid

Gigi Hadid – Reuters

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Since the start of the Israeli war in Gaza on October 7, all eyes have been on the most famous American model, Gigi Hadid, to know her position on what is happening.

Angry Israelis

The Palestinian woman recently joined her sister Bella, and her reactions have sparked Israeli anger, especially after she condemned Israel’s incarceration of Palestinian children, particularly child prisoner Ahmed Manasra.

The young woman published a post on her social media accounts in which she supports the Palestinian cause and talks in particular about the issue of the young Palestinian prisoner, Ahmed Manasra, arrested by Israel in 2015, when he was only 13 years old, on the pretext of having completed a attack in Jerusalem, he and his son were shot, while his uncle Hassan, who was 13 years old, was judged before him.

Gigi wrote in a post that she accompanied with a photo of Ahmed: “Israel is the only country in the world that holds children prisoners of war. Kidnapping, raping, humiliating, torturing and killing Palestinians. Years and years and years. Before October 7, 2023.”

One of Gigi’s posts

He republished a post stating that “Israeli authorities detain on average between 500 and 700 Palestinian children every year.”

He also added that Palestinian children were beaten, searched and isolated in solitary confinement and stressed that Israel is the only country in the world that systematically tries juveniles in military courts and accepts confessions obtained under duress.

In another Instagram post, he said: “Israel considers every Palestinian a terrorist, anyone who supports Palestinian rights is an anti-Semite and every Jew who opposes the government’s actions is considered mentally ill. Everyone lies and makes mistakes, except Israel! If it wasn’t evil and disturbing, it would be a comical situation.”

Fierce campaign

These leaflets, however, did not go unnoticed, as Israeli activists launched a campaign against Gigi, who followed the positions of her father, Mohamed Hadid, and her sister Bella, accusing her of “anti-Semitism”.

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The well-known model faced a new wave of backlash on the Internet, as Israeli reports responded to her, stating that “Israel is not the only country in the world that holds children as prisoners of war,” as Gigi said, until he was forced to delete the post.

Interestingly, in September Amnesty International called on Israel to release Manasra from prison and condemned the authorities for ignoring his mental health problems, including schizophrenia and depression.

As for the Hadid family, it is not the first time that the two sisters, who publicly support Palestinian rights, have come under harsh criticism for their criticism of Israel.

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