“He stole it from me.” Video of Israeli soldier playing guitar raises controversy

“He stole it from me.” Video of Israeli soldier playing guitar raises controversy

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After video scenes of an Israeli soldier happily singing in northern Gaza, playing the guitar, were spread on the TikTok platform a few days ago, a young Palestinian made surprising statements.

Hamada Nasrallah, a young Palestinian displaced in southern Gaza to escape the bombing, confirmed that he was surprised by the recently circulated video.

He said in statements spread on social media that the first time he saw the guitar, he noticed the great resemblance to his own guitar that his father had given him before he died.

The only memory

He began to investigate more closely the location where the video had been shot, the color and markings of the guitar, until he was finally certain that the only musical instrument left in his father’s memory had been stolen by an Israeli soldier from their house in the north. Gaza Strip, from which they were forced to leave due to Israeli raids.

He also confirmed that when he realized that his guitar had been stolen, the first thing that came to mind was a phrase: “I want it… bring it to me”, as if he were a defenseless child who didn’t know what he could do. do to get his toy back.

The soldier’s scene sparked a wave of widespread criticism on social media, from Palestinian sympathizers and Gaza supporters, who described the video as provocative.

Since the outbreak of the bloody war in Gaza on October 7, many scenes described as provocative have spread, both through reports by Israeli influencers who mocked the suffering of the people of Gaza and who questioned the number of victims decreased due to of violent wars. Israeli raids, or through Israeli media professionals and soldiers.

A song broadcast last week calling for the extermination of everyone in the Palestinian Strip also caused a widespread outcry, after the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation broadcast it live and on official Israeli social media accounts, before it was later deleted.

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