Cano Laboratories launches P-CABS (Tegoprazan): a pioneering solution for gastritis and heartburn in Mexico

Carnot Laboratorios launches in Mexico: P-CABs Tegoprazan, a new treatment designed to help the more than 40 million people suffering from gastritis, heartburn and reflux. Currently, one in five people in Mexico suffers from acid-related illnesses, which manifest as symptoms such as pain, burning sensations and heartburn; this can reduce patients’ quality of life, sleep quality and work productivity.

These diseases are usually treated with drugs of the “prazole” type, but experts believe that these solutions do not meet all the needs of patients, since they take time to take effect and must be taken several times a day for half a month. Taken one hour before breakfast, it has no effect on nighttime symptoms.

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Tegoprazan is the first competitive potassium acid blocker and offers a superior solution for current treatments because it provides:

rescue speed: Research shows this treatment works within 30 minutes of taking it, relieving symptoms such as heartburn and burning in the chest and throat.

Not dependent on food: Prazole usually needs to be taken 15-30 minutes before breakfast to be effective; P-CABS, on the other hand, is so powerful that it can be taken at any time of the day, with or without food, providing doctors and patients with Convenience and flexibility.

24 hours continuous control: Studies have shown that this new treatment is highly stable, does not require patients to take it multiple times a day, and helps protect the stomach.

For nighttime symptoms: Nighttime heartburn is one of the most common symptoms suffered by people with these acid-related diseases, and unfortunately, “prazole” cannot control this symptom; with potassium-competitive acid blockers, you can maintain control Stomach acidity, so you won’t have this discomfort at night.

“The arrival of tegoprazole in our country is synonymous with innovation, and patients today see Prazole as an alternative that does not fully resolve their symptoms; therefore, having a new treatment that can quickly relieve symptoms and prevent patients from complications such as esophageal cancer Very important,” Dr. Carlos Alberto Reyes, medical director of Cano Laboratories, said at a press conference.

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Photo: iStock

The solution comes from Mexico, Carnot Laboratorios, a leading company in the pharmaceutical industry. The treatment is now available in pharmacies across Mexico. If you suffer from gastritis, heartburn and reflux, talk to your doctor about Carnot Laboratorios’ new treatment: P-CAB, Potassium Competitive Acid Blocker (Tegoprazan) Or visit MX

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