Types, acquisition methods and special effects

On this occasion Free update 1.2.2 of Diablo 4Blizzard Games received some New thing Quite an important piece of equipment, the so-called evil ring (anyone vicious circle in English).These are direct inspired by evil forces We learn about it in Season of the Evil One, and it can be obtained in very specific ways during the adventure.

To make you aware and not let them get away, in the entries below our tour guide we will show you How many Evil ring available, what? Benefits and effects Provides different categories of characters and how to get them for your inventory.

All evil rings and effects

As we write these lines, we currently have Up to 5 evil rings In Diablo 4, One per class Characters available in this delivery.These rings are objects Unique ancestry Very rare, based on the Evil Heart’s powers and abilities introduced in the first season of the game.

Below we show you the rings and their Traits, bonuses and affixes Special offers so you know exactly how they affect each hero:

red rage ring

This is the evil ring of class brutal In Diablo 4:

Chapter 725

  • +5.0% resistance to all elements
  • +5.0% fire resistance


  • +(3.5 – 7.5)% attack speed
  • +(24 – 34) Strength
  • +(5 – 11) Maximum Rage
  • (7.5 – 12.5)% resource generation
  • After spending 100 Rage within 3 seconds, your next Hammer of the Ancients, Construct Strike, or Critical Strike cast will be a critical strike, dealing an additional (10 – 30)%(x) Critical Strike damage.

tarasha rainbow circle

This is the evil ring of class magician In Diablo 4:

Chapter 725

  • +5.0% resistance to all elements
  • +2.0% resistance to all elements


  • (3.0 – 5.0)% cooldown reduction
  • +(2.5 – 4.5)% chance of a lucky hit
  • (3.5 – 8.5)% resource generation
  • +(13.0 – 18.0)% non-physical damage
  • For each type of elemental damage you deal, you gain (10.0 – 15.0)%(x) more damage over 4 seconds. Dealing elemental damage resets all bonuses.

Elida’s unyielding will

This is the evil ring of class Druid In Diablo 4:

Chapter 725

  • +5.0% resistance to all elements
  • +5.0% Lightning Resistance


  • Deals +(11.5 – 16.5)% damage to nearby enemies
  • +(2.5 – 4.5)% chance of a lucky hit
  • +(3.5 – 7.5)% Willpower
  • (3.5 – 7.5)% ultimate cooldown reduction
  • When you cast your ultimate and cast it again 5 seconds later, you attract distant enemies, dealing (1,049 – 2,098) Physical damage. This damage is increased by 1.0%(x) for each point of Willpower you have.

Uneasy Ring of Illusions

This is the evil ring of class rogue In Diablo 4:

Chapter 725

  • +5.0% resistance to all elements
  • +5.0% Shadow Resistance


  • +(189 – 399) Max Health
  • +(10.0 – 15.0)% Critical Damage
  • +(1.6 – 4.0)% Critical Hit Chance
  • Deals +(7.5 – 12.5)% damage to enemies affected by crowd control
  • By casting the Subterfuge ability, you leave a bait trap that continually angers and lures your enemies. The bait trap explodes after dealing 3 (4,195 – 6,293) Shadow damage. May happen every 12 seconds.

Holy Soul Ring

This is the evil ring of class Necromancer In Diablo 4:

Chapter 725

  • +5.0% resistance to all elements
  • +5.0% poison resistance


  • +(189 – 399) Max Health
  • +(1 – 2) to all zombie skill levels
  • +(3 – 7) Maximum Essence
  • +(3.5 – 6.5)% chance of a lucky hit
  • You automatically activate the following equipped abilities on corpses around you:
    • Resurrection of skeletons every (2.0 – 1.0) seconds.
    • Corpses explode every (2.0 – 1.0) seconds.
    • Corpse tendrils, (16 – 8) s each.

How to get the evil ring?

Currently you can get any The Ring of Evil in Diablo 4 Same methodincluding search and defeat arrive Uber Eco owner in Varshan (Only available if you enter the endgame with a character).

To fight against the echoes of Mount Val, you must consider Next:

  • Echoes of Val Mountain only appears in World level 3 or 4 and must be transfer Appeared by the player.
  • To call Varshan you need First get the different parts His body (x1 Gollum Head, x1 Black Femur, x1 Trembling Hands, and x1 Evil Heart).
  • Valshan parts can be obtained Obtaining Unlawful Favors And open the whispered treasure in the Whispering Tree, kill grotesque debtor or make them in Alchemist Has specific ingredients.
  • After obtaining the above parts (Evil Heart is only required at world level 4), you can summon Varshan in the area Level 75 Lair “The Den of Evil”in Havezar, next to the Whispering Tree.

All evil rings are possible Random loot rewards Chief Echo of Valshan, thus defeating this enemy Have the opportunity You’ll receive a ring representing your character (although this isn’t guaranteed every time).

Finally, remember that you can earn Evil Rings no matter which mode you play. The kingdom of eternity is like the kingdom of seasons. It’s unclear if Blizzard will add other alternative ways to obtain these rings in the future. at present, the only viable option is an echo through Killing Valshan. If you need more details about this boss, you can check out the corresponding section of the guide.

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