Castile and Leon influenza virus continues to rebound

this influenza cycle continue Increase in castilla leon but “No” “inspection” of the health system, The Minister of Community Health analyzed on Tuesday that, Alejandro Vazquez.

In a statement to the media before taking part in a day in Valladolid to raise awareness about prostate cancer, Vázquez explained that vaccination “Everything is proceeding completely normally.”

While we won’t see the results of the vaccination rollout until the end of the campaign, he hopes it will be at least like previous years.

Data provided by the ministry on the first month of the vaccination campaign, which started on October 3, show that 81% of babies born between March 1 and November 3 in Castile and Leon, that is, 6,938 of 8,569 children have been vaccinated against bronchiolitis.

In terms of seasonal influenza vaccination coverage, data as of November 6 show that in the first month of the campaign, the vaccination coverage rate for people over 60 years old reached 36.4%.

The coverage rate for children under 2 years old is 19.3%, and the coverage rate for children between 2 and 4 years old is 16.2%.

At this event, children aged 6-59 months were vaccinated against influenza, which is a new initiative.

As of November 6, 368,809 doses of vaccine have been administered The Ministry of Health purchased a total of 805,500 birds for the 2023-2024 season.

79.2% of the vaccinated people are over 60 years old. By age, a total of 280,203 doses of vaccine have been administered to high-risk groups, followed by 27,600 doses to people hospitalized, 16,159 doses to people at high risk due to illness, 10,186 doses of medically prescribed vaccines, and Medical center staff have received 9,490 doses of vaccine.

Regarding COVID-19 vaccination, during the same period of one month, 268,022 people were vaccinated, accounting for 50.5% of the doses administered, of which 119,062 were male and 148,960 were female. Only 32,281 of them were under the age of 60 (only 119,062 were vaccinated). 12% of total vaccines). Among people over 60 years old, the coverage rate this month reached 29.4%.Source: EFE

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