‘You don’t want to relax before Christmas and forget about the vaccine’

Flu and coronavirus vaccination campaigns are progressing more slowly than in recent years. Since October 9 last year, In the province, 166,169 people have received a flu shot and an additional 110,765 people have received a COVID-19 vaccine. These figures are lower than those for 2022, but that is normal after the massive campaign launched by the coronavirus pandemic.

doctor David Moreno, Director of the Vaccination Program of Andalusiaaccepted an interview with this newspaper yesterday and confirmed “People are more relaxed because of climate change, among other reasons. Up until a few days ago we had very high temperatures, which made people even more reluctant. “

However, he warned: “The flu virus is already spreading. We noticed this in our emergency and admission data and in our sampling from the sector. They are increasing, and we estimate the peak of this year’s flu will be around the end of December. “

Moreno used the opportunity of the conversation to issue an “appeal” The people “are not relaxing.” It is not recommended to forget the vaccine and enter a logical social life during these holidays. “I don’t mean that people aren’t going out, but they’re taking the opportunity to get vaccinated.”

Andalusia vaccination plan

The head of Andalusia’s vaccination program remembers Over-60s should get flu and coronavirus jabs as they are at higher risk of hospital admission and even death when infected. Also keep in mind that people under 60 with chronic illness, diabetes, heart disease, or immunosuppressive conditions should do the same. In addition, he stressed that all children under the age of 5 have been vaccinated against influenza for two years. “Many parents know this but others do not and it is recommended to warn them that they are the first to be infected.”

when asked what it is The province’s current COVID-19 incidence rate says “after the peak experienced in late September and into October, incidence rates are declining.”. “It’s not unusual for the epidemic to rise again at the end of the year, obviously it won’t be like before, but it will affect a lot of people.”

Omicrom and its new variants

In this year 2023 What is in circulation is a variant of Omicrom called XBB. “Those who are infected with the new coronavirus with the Omicrom variant can protect themselves well and usually do not develop complications. It can be said that this is a mild new coronavirus, but the vaccine we have prepared contains this new variant, So we recommend that high-risk groups don’t hesitate to get vaccinated.”

Moreno insists Older people, even without symptoms, are at greater risk of severe COVID-19 if vaccination campaigns are ignored.

Doctor admits There was a peak of influenza A in December, but “the most surprising thing was the unprecedented number of influenza B cases. It was almost spring then. It’s certainly not common, but you have to be prepared. That’s why we encourage you not to forget to get vaccinated. We have been well protected by wearing masks in recent years, and past situations have left us untrained. In the northern provinces, we see an increase in incidence as the cold intensifies and living inland increases. In Andalusia it is always less noticeable since we can combine outdoor sessions with other institutions and other people at home. “When asked whether the drought would affect greater virus transmission, he said “No, it will not affect that aspect,” and finally sent a very serious message again: “The safest thing for everyone is to get vaccinated. vaccine. “

Feel good about bronchiolitis campaign

Dr. Moreno showed up yesterday Very satisfied with the good results of infant bronchiolitis vaccination. “More than 80% of children have been vaccinated. We had a few cases in the spring, but few required hospitalization. “We are pleased with the results and hope it continues to work well. “

Operations against the virus, which sometimes causes serious infections in children, began across Andalusia on September 25 and, at least for now, the data in all provinces are very positive.

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