Why people put bay leaves under their pillows as a natural remedy

Laurel is a perennial plant Lauraceae plant, native to the Mediterranean region, whose leaves have been cultivated in Spain for thousands of years spices in cooking how natural treatment for many disease.And, while there are many varieties of laurel trees, they all have Many health benefits.

there are many Bay leaf benefits, But perhaps one of the most famous is its digestive effects. Bay leaves contain a range of volatile compounds, Help stimulate secretion gastric, so they improve digestion and fight bloating or gas.However, bay leaf is not only a natural remedy for stomach problems; Powerful antioxidant that protects body cells and fights premature aging.

Now that we know more about the many benefits of bay leaf, many people are wondering why this is the case Use under pillow as a natural remedy.

Benefits of Bay Leaf as a Natural Remedy

One of the most long-lasting natural remedies is placement Place a bay leaf under your pillow to improve your sleep. This is because bay essential oil is released at night, and inhaling these oils naturally can help you sleep longer. So, although it may seem crazy, putting a bay leaf under your pillow is good for our bodies.

Bay leaf properties

Another reason why bay leaf is a great natural remedy is that it has been shown to be effective against Cough, bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses. This plant contains a range of compounds with expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties, Help clear respiratory tract and reduce symptoms such as congestion.

Don’t forget that laurel is traditionally used promote Skin and hair health. Bay leaves contain a series of substances such as fatty acids and vitamins, which are beneficial to the human body. Prevent premature skin aging and hair loss. And, if your scalp is itchy or dry due to any problem, using laurel oil can help us fight these symptoms.

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