Will China’s walking pneumonia become a pandemic?This is what Dr. Macias said

Cases have increased in recent days, pneumonia in childrenOr outpatient clinic or hospital China. The news has health authorities on alert due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Faced with uncertainty, experts healthy Undertaken the task of clarifying whether its causative factors may trigger a global pandemic. Most importantly, because it mainly attacks children.

so, Dr. Alejandro MaciasAlso known as the “Flu Czar,” he explains on his YouTube channel the risks of the disease and what precautions to take in the event of an unexpected outbreak.

Children and the elderly are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses.Photos: Free Images

Children and the elderly are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses.Photos: Free Images

Also read Pneumonia alert in children in China: What are the symptoms and how to prevent it?

According to the explanation of the Chinese authorities, walking pneumonia is not a new disease and therefore will not cause a new coronavirus epidemic. Pandemic. In fact, it is a condition caused by mycoplasma, a bacterium.

In this regard, Dr. Macias said: “Pneumonia caused by mycoplasma is called walking pneumonia, and in English they call it walking pneumonia. “Walking Pneumonia”. The reason why we say this is because people can have a fever as if nothing happened, and the disease can only be discovered by taking an X-ray.

Another observation from Chinese health authorities is that there has been an increase in cases of influenza, coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus and mycoplasma this season, which could lead one to believe that pneumonia It is expanding.

It must be remembered that some of the symptoms of this type of pneumonia are chest pain, chills, high fever, inflammation of the lungs, excessive sweating, sore throat or headache.

When the above signs appear, you should receive medical care Rule out the flu, coronavirus, or any other illness before you panic.

During this season, it is recommended to use masks in enclosed spaces. Photo: Pixabay

During this season, it is recommended to use masks in enclosed spaces. Photo: Pixabay

Also read Respiratory syncytial virus in Mexico: How long does it last and what are its consequences?

Although walking pneumonia is not thought to cause a pandemic so far, Dr. Macias warned that another crisis caused by a similar virus could emerge at any time. coronavirus.

“A pandemic can happen at any time, and we must learn from the lessons of previous pandemics. The fact is that if this is a new pandemic, we will be fully prepared,” the tsar stressed.

He added: “Mexico is not investing enough in health and Latin America in general is not investing in health. We have poor hospitals and in many countries we don’t have a good primary care system. In Mexico we see people mostly going doctor’s office or pharmacy instead of going to a facility.”

Dr. Macias stresses importance of recovery health care system to be prepared if a new pandemic occurs.On the other hand, he highlighted the progress of Mexico’s production capabilities vaccineFor example, against the flu or Covid-19.

“I think if this is not a new epidemic as it appears, it does give us an opportunity to understand that we have to be prepared because this is not the news that appears to be causing this epidemic,” he concluded.

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