12 cases of scarlet fever among students at School 25 in Los Alaces National Park – FM del Lago 105.5 Esquel

In Villa Futalaufquen, 12 cases of scarlet fever occurred among students of School No. 25 of Los Alaces National Park. As of yesterday, these cases were all confirmed, but additional cases that will be assessed today remain to be determined. Scarlet fever is a bacterial disease that occurs in some people with strep throat. Scarlet fever, also known as scarlet fever, is characterized by a bright red rash that affects most parts of the body. Scarlet fever is almost always accompanied by a sore throat and high fever. Scarlet fever rash usually starts on the face or neck and then spreads to the chest, trunk, arms, and legs. This disease is more common in children between the ages of 5 and 15. Although scarlet fever was once considered a serious childhood disease, antibiotic treatment has made it less dangerous. However, if left untreated, scarlet fever can lead to more serious illness, affecting the heart, kidneys, and other parts of the body.

in statement FM del LagoDirector Diana Luna confirmed the news, “It cannot be proven that it was brought by children who traveled to Cordoba. There are other cases where children do not go to school. This happens not only to all children who travel , there are still confirmed cases. Until yesterday, we had 12 cases with various symptoms, fever, flu-like status, rash, the parents took them to the doctor, they confirmed with swabs, others tested negative, yesterday’s cases, parents Take them to the doctor today,” he noted.

Luna expressed concern about the confirmed cases, which as of yesterday there were 12, although students with similar symptoms are continuing to demonstrate and they will be evaluated today by their usual doctors, “I have been working with the health station since Friday Contacted, they said that they immediately cooperated with Biondo, the epidemiologist of the program area, and they began to cooperate. It is contagious and you can return to school if you receive treatment after two days. I don’t know more details. They do not think that classes should be suspended, We ask parents to take their children to the doctor, we disinfect the school and at this time they are all gathered at the health station and we are waiting to see what they are assessing, they have not given me instructions yet to convey to the school families, but yes, once “they Take the medicine within two days and they can go back to school, just like the flu status, if they come back they won’t be contagious again, and they’re going to give us these instructions today and we’re waiting for word to see how we proceed. “

Regarding the preventive measures taken by the Ministry of Health through APE, Luna said that they look forward to receiving news after a meeting between professionals at the Villa Health Station. “The health department is finalizing the details on how to disseminate this information and soon they will inform me how we can “Continue, if any symptoms appear, it is best to refer them for medical consultation. It is important that every parent consults their trusted doctor. We stay away from the coronavirus and do not send your children to school under any circumstances,” Friday, We’re going to go through day three and we’ll see what instructions we’re going to follow and I’m waiting for information on how we proceed and see what steps we take if we want to authorize that. “

He confirmed that the school is strengthening preventive measures similar to those during the new crown epidemic. “They did not tell us to wear masks, they asked us to reinforce alcohol gel again, ventilate, avoid mating, it is transmitted through the air” and saliva, we are strengthening again With these measures, fortunately the problem was solved immediately and we will do everything they told us, the idea is to look after and look after each other and the investigation of the case will definitely be done by professionals,” he confirmed in a radio interview .

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