Pneumonia cases among children in Córdoba remain stable despite outbreak in China

In recent weeks, pediatric hospitals in several areas of China have been overcrowded due to unexpected outbreaks of pneumonia. The disease most commonly affects boys and girls aged 4 to 6 years, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has asked Asian countries to report in detail the number of cases and sources of infection responsible for the epidemiological increase.

According to the International Society for Infectious Diseases (Isid), the increase in cases occurred in different regions of China, such as Beijing and Liaoning. Currently, they are not causing an increase in deaths.

The most common symptoms are high fever and various effects on the lungs. Many consultations are outpatient, while others require hospitalization. Some schools are closed.The disease reportedly affects not only students but teachers as well average email, Digital reporting system for international associations.

The outbreak of pneumonia in China, especially among children, has aroused the vigilance of the authorities.AP Photo
The outbreak of pneumonia in China, especially among children, has aroused the vigilance of the authorities.AP Photo

The National Health Commission of China provided the latest official information on November 13. At a press conference, health authorities reported an increase in the incidence of respiratory illnesses in the country. According to the government version, “unexplained pneumonia in children” will be caused by different infectious agents (influenza, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus or Sars-Cov-2). According to their modeling, this will be due to the lifting of pandemic restrictions.

Later, the World Health Organization requested more data on the outbreak affecting children, as well as information on the main pathogen causing the disease. In a statement issued on November 22, the international organization asked China to provide “additional epidemiological and clinical information, as well as laboratory results of the outbreak detected in children.” He also asked people to take precautionary measures.

China: Pneumonia epidemics in children increase, WHO asks Asian countries for information

what happened in cordoba

The number of pneumonia cases reported so far in our province’s pediatric population is about what is expected for this time of year. “So far we have not noticed an unusual increase,” said Miriam Calvari, deputy director of the pediatric hospital in Córdoba. “The health system is watching what happens in the coming weeks.” “

The pediatric infectious disease expert reported that based on the detailed information so far, the SARS outbreak in China may be partly due to the lifting of movement restrictions. The Asian country has imposed restrictions on citizens after detecting a new peak in Covid-19.

“The spread of respiratory viruses begins to increase at the beginning of winter, partly due to seasonal factors and partly due to China lifting restrictions put in place to prevent the SARS-Cov-2 outbreak,” Calvary explained.

The outbreak of pneumonia in China, especially among children, has aroused the vigilance of the authorities.AP Photo
The outbreak of pneumonia in China, especially among children, has aroused the vigilance of the authorities.AP Photo

A similar situation occurred in Argentina in 2021. There was an abnormal peak of influenza at the beginning of the year, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) increased again in September. RSV is the main cause of bronchiolitis in children under 5 years old.

Since most of those affected are children aged 4 to 6 years, rather than infants, it cannot be ruled out that other pathogens are not viruses but bacteria.

Ephemeris. World Pneumonia Day.  (Illustrating)

One type, called Mycoplasma pneumoniae, affects the lungs, causing a type of nodule that can be detected on X-rays. It differs from other bacteria, such as pneumococci, which appear on diagnostic imaging as more compact or concentrated spots at the base of the lungs.

The presence of this bacterium was suspected because the main groups affected in the Asian outbreak were school-age boys and girls aged 4 to 6 years.

“These cases are treated with antibiotics,” the expert explains.

The outbreak of pneumonia in China, especially among children, has aroused the vigilance of the authorities.AP Photo
The outbreak of pneumonia in China, especially among children, has aroused the vigilance of the authorities.AP Photo

“At the moment, the epidemiological situation in Córdoba related to this disease is not worrying,” Calvary reported, emphasizing the word “for the time being.” “The experience of the epidemic teaches us that we must be cautious in reporting.” Furthermore, he made a similar comparison with the situation that emerged after the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“In Argentina, throughout 2020, the only circulating virus was Sars-Cov-2. There was a kind of immune silence. When the quarantine was lifted, the spread of other respiratory viruses increased again. In February and November 2021, we had an outbreak of The usual flu. Something similar will happen in China,” the infectious disease expert added.

Judging from the information available so far, there will not be any different strains or mutations that are causing the unusual increase in cases in China.

Eduardo López, Director of the Department of Medicine at the Ricardo Gutierrez Children’s Hospital in the Federal Capital, explains to us database SARS outbreaks in Asia occur more often among school-age children. Because of the group of people affected, it’s more likely to be mycoplasma bacteria rather than syncytial viruses, which are more common in infants. Epidemiologists clarified that it is not yet clear what the main pathogen causing the outbreak is and that more information is needed.

In Argentina, more precise studies are needed to understand whether Mycoplasma bacteria cause pneumonia in children. The Respiratory Panel, designed to identify sources of infection in boys and girls, tests for eight of the most common respiratory viruses in pediatric patients. This diagnostic method is performed in a hospitalized population. Infectious pathogens are not classified in outpatient consultations.

“We always have to clarify that ‘so far’ we have encountered the expected cases for this time of year, with pathogens that are not uncommon. The system is attentive,” Calvary concluded.

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