Syncytial Virus | What is Syncytial Virus? Contagious colds that affect children and adults (and herald epidemic waves)

What is syncytial virus? Contagious colds that affect children and adults (and herald epidemic waves)

Influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) remain on the rise in Catalonia, indicating an epidemic wave although still at low transmission levels.

The latest data from the Catalan Infection Surveillance Information System (SIVIC) show that the overall incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) continued to show an upward trend in the week from November 20 to 26, with an incidence rate of 665 cases. 100,000 residents were affected, and the total number of confirmed cases was 52,412.

The common cold virus rhinovirus was the most common (27.9% of samples), followed by RSV (9.9%), influenza (8.1%) and SARS-CoV-2 (6.3%).

The global weekly number of covid-19 cases is estimated at 42, down from 103 the previous week, while hospital admissions are down slightly: 319 people in regular beds, 23 fewer than the previous week, and 7 people in intensive care units .

Likewise, the number of pneumonia diagnoses in primary care continues to increase as expected, primarily affecting children under 14 years of age.

Influenza and RSV are on the rise; although transmission levels remain low, trends point to a wave of epidemics.

RSV causes bronchiolitis, often requiring hospitalization in young children, and at the peak of the epidemic, pediatric hospitals are overcrowded, as has been the case during recent winters.

Against this background, the Ministry of Health will begin vaccinating infants under 6 months old with the new RSV vaccine Nirsevimab for the first time this autumn, which should have a positive effect on reducing medical pressure on hospitals and pediatric consultations. .

According to provisional data from the campaign, which has not yet concluded, 83.45% of infants eligible for the vaccine have been vaccinated.

Regarding COVID-19 vaccination, the coverage rate for people over 80 years old and 39% for people aged 70 to 79 years old in this autumn’s sports.

Influenza coverage is higher than covid-19 in these age groups, at 60% and 45% respectively.

How does it spread?

The word “syncytial”, although also known as “syncytial”, comes from two Greek terms: the adverb “syn”, meaning “with”, conveying the meaning of “fusion”, and the noun “cytos”, meaning “cell” “.

These two words describe the main anatomy-pathological damage produced by this virus: it destroys the cell membrane at the points of contact of cells with other cells, culminating in the formation of so-called “syncytia.”

RSV belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family, which also includes the measles and mumps viruses:

  • It is highly contagious:

  • It survives on non-porous surfaces for up to 7 hours.

  • It is transmitted by direct contact or through salivary droplets accompanying the nasopharyngeal secretions of an infected person.

  • The portals of entry for the virus are the conjunctiva of the eye and the nasal and oral mucosa.

  • Transmission usually occurs through direct contact, but may also occur through hands or contact with contaminated objects.

It is highly seasonal and develops all over the world, in both rich and poor countries.

In the Northern Hemisphere, incidence is highest from early November to mid-February.

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