What happens if you have the flu and take antibiotics on your own? – Teach me science

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A key factor in the use and management of a group of medications is understanding the differences between the two key types: antibiotic and antiviral drugs. They work in different ways, and their misuse can have important consequences for our health. Let’s delve deeper into this topic and learn why it’s crucial not to self-treat, especially with antibiotics, and how this practice affects the effectiveness of these basic treatments.

What are antibiotics?

this antibiotic They are like warriors dedicated to fighting the enemy bacteria. When these little creatures invade our bodies and cause infections, antibiotic They act to eliminate them.However, its powers do not extend to Virus. It’s important to understand that colds, flu, and some respiratory infections are caused by: Virusand the indiscriminate use of antibiotic Not only is it ineffective against these diseases, it can also be harmful.

What are antiviral drugs?

this antiviral drugsOn the other hand, like a secret agent dedicated to deactivation Virus. These drugs are specifically designed to fight viral infections and are vital in treating illnesses like the flu or herpes.Its effect is to stop copying viralhelping the immune system fight and eliminate Virus physical.Although their strength was very strong, it did not affect bacteriawhich highlights the importance of accurate diagnosis to develop appropriate treatment plans.

What is antibiotic resistance?

Now, let’s get back to the topic of notes: the importance of not taking antibiotic Without proper medical supervision.In many Latin American countries, approximately 80% of the population can purchase these drugs without a prescription, leading to a worrying situation self-medication.

resistance antibiotic This is a shocking phenomenon that occurs in bacteria They become resistant to the effects of these drugs.misuse and abuse antibioticas self-medication, made a great contribution to this problem.Dr. Mayra Alejandra Bonilla Reyna, a specialist in pediatric medicine and infectious diseases, emphasized that abuse antibiotic This is a growing problem in Mexico and may lead to the development of bacterial resistance.

Not self-medicating

this self-medication not only increases the risk of resistance antibiotic, but it can also hide the disease by relieving only certain symptoms. This makes accurate diagnosis difficult and leads to inappropriate treatments that become ineffective over time. Dr. Bonilla warned that there is a risk of being unable to control infections in the future if they persist. self-medication Uncontrolled

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What do you need to know before taking antibiotics?

It is important to understand that decisions about taking medications, whether proprietary or generic, must be based on accurate information and guidance from a health professional.Although generic Since it is more financially available, the precise instructions given by doctors when prescribing treatment should not be underestimated.Dr. Bonilla emphasized self-medication In the long run, it can cause serious complications for the body.

world drug use awareness week antibiotic Designed to emphasize the importance of using these medications responsibly to maintain their effectiveness. Antibiotic resistance is a reality that threatens our ability to treat common and serious infections.

The key is to make informed decisions with health professionals to ensure effective treatment and maintain our health and well-being in the long term.Next time you are tempted self treatmentremember that responsibility in the use of medications is a fundamental pillar of everyone’s well-being.

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