Syncytial virus, symptoms and treatments

One of the biggest alarms in recent weeks has been the arrival of a virus that is starting to take center stage. That’s syncytial virus, a respiratory disease that’s seeing high cases in countries like Mexico.

The cold season also sounds the alarm for this cold-like virus. In its latest epidemiological bulletin, the Mexican government’s National Epidemiological Surveillance Commission (Conave) reported that from early October to November 14, “an increase in cases of other respiratory viruses was observed, among which RSV predominated. Seasonal start”.

The country has seen more than 400 cases during the reporting period, of which 288 (63% of the total) were RSV cases, demonstrating its strength in OVR. Of those, 94% were hospitalized.

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What is respiratory syncytial virus?

Health experts say respiratory syncytial virus, a disease that causes cold-like symptoms, poses a greater threat to babies.

The cases occurred in an age range of 3 to 9 years.

What are your symptoms?

Patients develop symptoms in stages. We have to be careful because in children the only symptoms may be irritability, reduced activity and difficulty breathing.

RSV is spread from person to person through respiratory droplets; for example, when you speak near an infected person, you inhale the respiratory droplets expelled while speaking.

  • (nasal congestion)
  • Loss of appetite
  • cough
  • sneeze
  • fever
  • Wheezing (whistling, squeaking sounds when breathing)

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This raises alarm because infants, young children, and the elderly infected with RSV are at greater risk for severe illness, which may translate into infections such as bronchiolitis, an inflammation of the airways, small lung infections, and pneumonia. is a lung infection,” the CDC said.

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