What if symptoms of infection worsen? – finance

Mexican health authorities report Increase In respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection, it affects Infants and minors, from one to nine years old.

while cutting Epidemiological week 45, 271 cases registered of syncytial virus. This is equivalent to 63% of “other respiratory virus” infections counted by the Ministry of Health’s National Epidemiological Surveillance System.

explains most of it in detail Infect They occur in children between 1 and 4 years old. There have been no deaths from the disease.

What are the consequences if RSV worsens?

this symptom The symptoms of RSV infection in minors are usually Moderate Similar to a cold.

However, it can cause serious illnessexplains the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

One of these is bronchitis, which occurs when the airways in the lungs become inflamed and mucus is produced in these organs. If the condition becomes severe, it may last at least three weeks.

RSV infection may also be aggravated and developed into pneumonia, Inflames the air sacs in the lungs; these may fill with fluid or pus, causing difficulty breathing, coughing up phlegm, and chills.

What are the symptoms of bronchitis?

CDC details symptom Symptoms of bronchitis include a cough with or without phlegm, chest pain, fatigue, mild headache, malaise, and sore throat.

The discomfort will worsen and it is recommended to see a doctor if the following conditions occur: body temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius or higher, cough with phlegm and blood, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

mayo clinic show pneumonia symptoms They can be moderate or severe, depending on the type of virus and bacteria causing the illness and the person’s age.

Some symptoms of pneumonia include chest pain when breathing or coughing, changes in mental perception, fatigue, fever, chills, and vomiting. There is also difficulty breathing.

What are the symptoms of RSV infection in babies?

The CDC details some Children at higher risk of severe illness including premature infants due to RSV infection.

If one-month-old babies are hospitalized, they may need oxygen, intravenous fluids, and mechanical ventilation.

health authorities said Symptoms vary in young babiescompared to adult-presented content.

These are the symptoms in babies six months or younger: fussiness, reduced activity, reduced eating, and suspended sleep. breathe more than 10 seconds.

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