Benefits of garlic against human papillomavirus

He assures that garlic is a superfood that helps control and overcome human papillomavirus. | Photo: Courtesy.

Mexico City – Doctor Daniel Carrillofounder Mexican Institute of Human Papillomavirus (PVH); He shared an informative video on social networks, in which he explained based on the results of various studies; the importance of garlic in the fight against this virus.

He promises it’s a “superfood” that will help control and overcome it.

“Research shows that garlic contains many antioxidants, many anti-inflammatory substances, anti-tumor substances; it also has antiviral properties, so as you can see, it helps manage this disease in all aspects,” he emphasized.

He guarantees it's a "super food" This helps control and overcome human papillomavirus.
Photo: Courtesy.

Garlic and its properties antiviral drugs Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it inhibits viral replication; it allows your immune system to better control disease.

Likewise, with its properties Anti-tumor or anti-cancerprevent injury PVC Can develop into precancerous or cancerous lesions.

How should I eat garlic if I have HPV?

experts in HPV virus It is recommended to gradually incorporate it into your diet, stews and get used to it; one clove per day is enough.

An important fact is that experts do not recommend taking it alone or on an empty stomach, as this may cause gastritis; since it contains substances derived from sulfur, which can cause irritation. In dressings, with food, in salads.

He adds that those who add it to their diet will find that their mood and overall health improve.In that sense, he says there are supplements like Hera It is made from garlic, Vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, magnesium, green teaand other substances.

What do we know about human papillomavirus (HPV)?

One of the most common sexually transmitted infections that people get is Human papillomavirus (HPV); It can be contracted during vaginal or anal sex, but it can also be contracted through oral and skin contact.

He guarantees it's a "super food" This helps control and overcome human papillomavirus.
Photo: Courtesy.

As we all know, there are many types, some of which are more risky than others.For example, some types of low-risk HPV; This may lead to the appearance of genital warts; however, there are other possible causes of cervical cancer; cancer of the anus, mouth, or oropharynx.

Therefore, experts recommend that both men and women pay attention to their health; get vaccinated and get tested polymerase chain reaction Determine if they have the virus so you can attack it in the best way possible without endangering your life; especially women.

However, many people may have had the virus for years without noticing any symptoms; however, this does not mean that they do not have it. It’s just not active.

He guarantees it's a "super food" This helps control and overcome human papillomavirus.
Photo: Courtesy.

In some cases HPV virus It only occurs when your body’s defenses are lowered or reversed by some condition; some people have strong immune systems and manage to eliminate it over time.

Therefore, it is very important to undergo all necessary tests regularly to take the best measures; prevention or treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

It’s important to use condoms and get vaccinated, and Mexico already has the Gardasil 9 vaccine; it promises to attack more types of high-risk HPV, and the Mexican HPV Institute has it.

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