Indonesia takes preventive measures against respiratory infection outbreak in China

Jakarta, November 30 (EFE) – Indonesia has called for vigilance over the outbreak of “mysterious pneumonia” that is affecting China, instructing all health professionals to step up monitoring of cases of respiratory diseases in the country..

In a notice issued this week, the Ministry of Health asked all its staff to “remain vigilant” after a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed an increase in cases of an unknown pneumonia that mainly affects children in northern China. This is Why it is recommended to take supporting measures and monitor for possible respiratory infections.

The ministry explained in a statement last Tuesday that the guidelines were recommended as “a form of preparedness by the government to anticipate the spread of pneumonia in Indonesia.”

The letter comes in response to a WHO report that the Asian giant is experiencing a growing outbreak of respiratory infections and childhood pneumonia, the exact cause of which remains unclear, although Chinese authorities attribute it to “known pathogens.”

Among other measures, Indonesia’s Ministry of Health urged the Port Health Office to “monitor the evolution of global cases and affected countries” and to closely monitor suspected cases of pneumonia and other illnesses in the country.

He also asked the agency to strengthen supervision and control of people and objects arriving in Indonesia by sea, air or land, especially if “they come from infected countries”.

This includes regular inspections of cabin crew, staff and passengers as well as “transport equipment, baggage, vectors and disease-carrying animals at ports, airports and cross-border posts”.

“Port health offices and regional health departments are required to carry out strict monitoring to control the growth of cases in the area,” the document clarified.

China said the World Health Organization last week asked China to provide more information about a recent rise in respiratory disease cases and issued prevention advice to the Asian country, and it sent a message of calm by assuring there was “no reason to worry.” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference.

In a video conference with WHO officials, representatives of the Chinese Health Commission presented surveillance and detection data for pathogens that cause respiratory diseases and detailed diagnostic and treatment options.Effie

National Bureau of Statistics/raa/jgb

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