Elon Musk criticized the companies boycott

Twitter owner Elon Musk told companies that threaten not to advertise on Twitter: “Damn you” He said.

Elon Musk criticized the companies boycott
Photo: AA

Musk responded to a Twitter user two weeks ago ‘Anti-Semite’ He was accused of adopting a position.

That’s why more than 100 brands have paused their advertising, and the company risks losing $75 million by the end of the year, according to the New York Times.

According to technology website The Verge, Musk was interviewed by the New York Times yesterday. “Book of Deals” Attend the summit. Although the billionaire businessman stated that he was aware of his mistake regarding the post in question and that he was sorry, he did not refrain from cursing the companies that boycotted advertising.

Your supervisor “Companies stop advertising” Musk entered the call at his word. “They shouldn’t advertise.” He said.

Then the supervisor “what do you want to say” Musk spoke clearly: “I hope they stop (the ad). Don’t advertise. If someone’s going to try to blackmail me with ads, if they’re going to try to blackmail me with money, then fuck them. Is it open? I hope so.”

Musk too “What an advertising boycott will do is kill the company. “We will go and it will be because of the advertisers’ boycott.” He said.

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