Foreign Minister: Flu cases in China are under control

United Nations, November 29 (Reuters) – Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Wednesday that the recent rise in respiratory diseases in China is a common problem faced by countries around the world and that Chinese authorities have brought the epidemic under control.

The World Health Organization (WHO) last week asked China to provide detailed information on an increase in respiratory diseases and pneumonia among children.

However, WHO officials said on Monday that the disease rebound in China was not as high as before the COVID-19 pandemic and reiterated that no new or unusual pathogens had been identified in recent cases.

“Recently, some clusters of influenza cases among children have appeared in some areas of China. In fact, this phenomenon is a common phenomenon in many countries, and in China, it has been effectively controlled,” Wang told reporters at the United Nations. He is chairing a United Nations Security Council meeting on the conflict between Israel and Hamas at its New York headquarters.

China’s exchanges with the international community will not be affected by any factors. We welcome more visits from friends from all over the world.

Both China and the World Health Organization have faced questions about the transparency of reporting on the first COVID-19 cases that emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019.

(Reporting by Michelle Nichols and Michael Martina. Editing by Marion Giraldo and Sofia Díaz Pineda in Spanish)

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