Francisco: Prevention is important in health care

The Pope received and spoke briefly to participants at the “Ethics of Health Management” seminar: It is not enough to cure, the vulnerability must also be protected, which is very important for this kind of preventive medicine

Alessandro de Carolis – Vatican City

“As you can see, I am alive.” Pope Francis did not give up on the joke, explaining that he had been battling inflammation of the lungs for several days, which forced him to revise all his commitments and, most importantly, abandon the planned The trip to Dubai starts tomorrow, but he explained that there are risks because “it’s very hot there” and that the passage “from heating to air conditioning” is “not convenient in this bronchial situation”.

strong yet fragile

The audience of the “Ethics of Health Management” seminar therefore started with a special focus on this topic: the Pope briefly informed them of his feelings, then moved from personal circumstances to more general reasoning about the value of health protection.

Thank God it’s not pneumonia. This is a very acute form of infectious bronchitis. I no longer have a fever, but I’m still taking medications like antibiotics. Thanks for it all. (…) Take care of your health, health has the opposite side, it is both strong and fragile.

seminar participants "Health Management Ethics"

“Health Management Ethics” seminar participants

Francisco reiterated that “poor health leads to fragility.” He said that he greatly appreciates “preventive medicine because it prevents events before they occur.” Not only did he thank the participants of the seminar for finding “medical, pharmacological “learning solutions” and, he concluded, thanked them for their efforts to protect “this good” because “mere cures” are not enough. ”, but it is necessary to “stay” healthy.

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