Pope Francis assures he has ‘very acute infectious bronchitis’

he pope francisco Today it is said “Thank God, the illness he has is not pneumonia” but ” very acute bronchitis, infectious”, although he no longer has a fever and continues to be cured with antibiotics, while receiving participants of the “Ethics of Health Management” seminar in the General Assembly Hall today Holy See.

He also today explained why doctors advised him not to travel to Dubai for the climate summit. Twenty-eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties: “The reason is that it’s hot out there and you go from heating to air conditioning. In this bronchial condition, that’s not convenient.”

By the way, thank you. As you can see, I’m still alive. The doctors didn’t let me go to Dubai (…) Thank God it wasn’t pneumonia. “This is a very acute form of infectious bronchitis,” the pontiff clarified on a morning in which the pontiff kept his entire agenda going, although he preferred not to read the speech for fear of being too tired.

He assured himself that he no longer had a fever and continued to use antibiotics to cure it.

“The pope’s condition is stable and he does not have a fever, but the lung inflation associated with respiratory problems persists,” the Vatican confirmed in a statement after the pope held a general audience in Pablo Hall on Wednesday before thousands of faithful.

“Health has the opposite side, it is both strong and fragile. How healthy, how strong, how strong he is, but he is also fragile. Poor health leads to fragility. “I Really like preventive medicine because it prevents events before they happen. “

He added: “I appreciate what they are doing. Not only looking for medical, pharmacological solutions, but also valuing health, that is, thinking about the benefits of health. And how to preserve this beauty. Not only to heal, but to preserve. This It’s your job, thank you for coming.”

“Forgive me for not being able to say more, but I don’t have the courage. So all I want to do is greet them,” the pope added in the morning before an audience of seven.

The Argentine pope, who will celebrate his 87th birthday on December 17, confirmed during the audience that his “flu” is still not good.

On Saturday, Pope Francis underwent a CT scan at a Rome hospital that confirmed the health problems but ruled out pneumonia.

Just like that, it was surprisingly announced that due to medical advice, he had to suspend his trip to Dubai from tomorrow, December 1 to December 3.

In April, he was hospitalized for three days with bronchitis, which had to be treated with antibiotics, a worrying situation since the Pope had a fever and arrived in an ambulance; in June, surprisingly, adhesions appeared due to a previous operation 2021 In July, he underwent surgery again for colon diverticulum and abdominal hernia, and was hospitalized for 9 days.

According to information from EFE

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