Foods that improve your body’s ability to fight the flu

As winter approaches, disease Increase caused by viruses and bacteria.The best way to prevent illnesses like the flu is to feed.

the body’s defenses, or immune system, They play an important role in good health. They are responsible for fighting microorganisms, cells and substances and fighting respiratory infections.

Seasonal fruit. Source: Freepik

Seasonal fruit. Source: Freepik

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According to the National Institutes of Health, molecules produced by the immune system are called Antibodythey adhere to bacteria and prevent them from infecting cells.

Humans are not born with the necessary defenses, so it is important to point out that there are factors that can reduce their presence, such as poor diet, temperature changes, pollute and other conditions such as anemia.

The main signs of a weak immune system are:

  • Recurrent illnesses tend to get worse
  • excessive fatigue
  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea
Children and the elderly are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses.Photos: Free Images

Children and the elderly are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses.Photos: Free Images

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development details that the best way to combat the flu is to eat a balanced diet combined with a healthy lifestyle.

For this reason, it is worth including Seasonal fruit Helps the body strengthen its immune system, thereby protecting it from foreign substances that often weaken the immune system.

Among the foods that help combat discomforts like the flu (a common winter illness), the following foods stand out:

  • Citrus Fruits: Mainly lemon or orange, and leafy green vegetables like spinach, as they are rich in vitamin C, which can relieve symptoms of the flu or cold.
  • Garlic and onions: Their antiviral and antibacterial properties protect the body from infections and improve response to viruses and bacteria.
  • Ginger: Fights harmful viruses and bacteria due to its high potassium, niacin and vitamin C content. It also has an expectorant effect, eliminating excess mucus or phlegm.

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