Sudden military move by Putin: “An appropriate response to NATO aggression”

According to the decree signed by Putin, which was published on the Kremlin’s website, the number of personnel in the Russian Armed Forces was set at 2 million 209 thousand and 130 individuals, including 1 million 320 thousand soldiers.

The decision entered into force from the day it was signed.

According to Putin’s previous decree, which entered into force on January 1, 2023, the number of Russian army personnel reached 2 million 39 thousand 758 individuals, including 1 million 150 thousand 628 soldiers.

Thus, according to the previous decree, there was an increase in the number of soldiers by 169,372 individuals, while there was no increase in the number of other individuals.

“No decision to mobilize”

The statement issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the number of soldiers in the army increased by about 170,000 soldiers, and it was confirmed that there is no plan to significantly increase the recruitment of citizens into compulsory military service.

In the statement, “There is no requirement for mobilization.” expression has been used.

Measures taken against NATO’s aggressive activities

Increasing the numbers of the Russian army in Ukraine “Special military operation” The statement noted that this is due to the growing threats against Russia regarding its implementation and the continued expansion of NATO. “Under the current circumstances, increasing the number and combat power of the Armed Forces is the appropriate response to the NATO bloc’s aggressive activities.” The statement has been included.

(Tags for translation)Russia

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