Navarra is preparing for an increase in viruses, influenza and coronavirus: a surge in infections…

With the arrival of the first month December and temperature dropsstart to increase Number of respiratory virus infections in Navarreespecially between children and Vulnerable Groups.For this reason, from health department Different Plans and Actions enable health centers to Ready join Increase in patients Registered.

According to data published in the latest report epidemiological surveillance A survey was conducted by the Navarra Institute of Public and Occupational Health during the week of November 20-26 More visits for acute respiratory tract infections exist primary health care.Incidence rate: 714 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, including 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants influenza syndrome 25 per 100,000 people Coronavirus.In addition, there is an increase respiratory syncytial virus, Rhinovirus, Adenovirus, and Parainfluenza Virus.In this sense, people are asked to use responsibly emergency services.

during vaccination campaign Flu and COVID-19 Among those aged 60 or older, provisional coverage was 60% and 51% respectively

The increase in respiratory viruses has been navarre health servicesall in Hospital picture primary health careParticularly in the pediatric population, which has seen an increase in emergency room visits and visits over the past two weeks. therefore, primary health carehe University Hospital of Navarra Pamplona, Queen Sofia Hospital Tudela and Estella Garcia Alcoyan Hospital they already have temporary plan cold.Plans that have not yet been activated, except Winter Program at HUN Pediatrics.

These plans require Personnel reinforcementparticularly in hospital and out-of-hospital emergencies, and the increase in resources available for care and, in the case of hospitals, inpatient beds in certain units.

he University Hospital of Navarra (Hun) has begun to strengthen staffing last week Pediatric emergency, the number of daily services has reached 180 times. The program involves strengthening the capacity of professionals to care for patients in emergencies and during also adds Provides 39 to 43 beds Located on the fourth floor of the mother hospital, the beds are University Clinic of Navarra (PICU and admission) if necessary.

The health department asks the public to use it responsibly in emergencies.The most mediocre care can be delayed as patients are triaged according to their circumstances during emergencies at Navarra hospital clinical urgency criteria Additionally, they can prevent time-related conditions such as stroke, heart disease, or polytrauma from receiving proper care.

All patients are also advised to visit a health center with any respiratory symptoms. They wear masks in common roomsespecially the waiting room.

COVID-19 and influenza vaccination campaigns

Today, December 1, the vaccination campaign against influenza and COVID-19, which started in mid-October, ends, two diseases with the highest incidence during the cold season.This year, it includes a novel Flu vaccination for minors Between 6 and 59 months.

As of November 29, the government 140,406 doses of flu vaccine. The coverage rate for people over 60 years old is 60%; for the group over 65 years old, it is 67%, and for the group over 75%, it is 75%. Among the population under 5 years old, the influenza vaccination rate is 11.97%. For its part, COVID-19 vaccine coverage reaches 52% among those over 60, 59% among those over 65, and 67% among those over 75.

Although the campaign has ended, the health department has sent text messages to people aged 60 or older who have not yet received any vaccine and encourages anyone in a high-risk group to request an appointment at the following address: primary health care vaccination. The Ministry of Health reminds us that vaccination is critical to reducing morbidity and mortality from influenza and COVID-19, especially among the most vulnerable groups, as it increases effectiveness in preventing the development of the most severe forms of both diseases.

Navarre’s cold plan

As far as he is concerned, ministry of health National preventive action plan approved low temperature 2023-2024, activated today (December 1), valid until March 31.The plan is included within the framework of the Strategic Health and Environment Plan (PESMA) and aims to Reduce the impact of hypothermia on population health At the provincial level, it is implemented by the Institute of Public and Occupational Health of Navarra.

The “National Hypothermia Prevention Action Plan” points out that severe cold has direct and indirect negative effects on health. The plan provides for the following actions: prevention and control, actions are divided into several levels based on the risks posed by falling temperatures. Regardless, the effects of low temperatures are usually not as dramatic and sudden as those of high temperatures. The “Plan” points out that cold is an environmental risk factor that must be considered, and its impact on health may be greater. Than those extreme hot weather.

The planned threshold temperature for Navarre is -3.7℃, the reference station is Noan Airport.The plan establishes three alert levels, allocated from ministry of health The specific method is based on the three-day minimum temperature prediction.

To avoid the most common risk situations associated with cold, it is recommended to protect the most vulnerable groups, e.g. homeless Those who suffer from poverty or low economic status, especially when this manifests itself in the form of energy poverty, as well as immigrants in precarious situations; people who work outdoors; elderlys; a person with certain characteristics chronic disease; female pregnant woman; newborns and babies; People taking medications that can enhance cold-related symptoms; People with limited mobility, malnutrition, physical exhaustion, or alcoholism; or People engaged in outdoor sports.

To this end, all relevant sectors of the Government of Navarra are developing their own programs and action plans to combat consequences of cold. Additionally, in the coming days, the Committee will hold meetings with departments and entities involved in previous activities to coordinate actions to be taken during the quarter.

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