What to eat and drink to feel better when you have a cold

when you are Constant sneezing, coughing, and runny nose You may not want to eat anything because you have a cold. However, it is appropriate for you to do so.There is currently no cure for this common disease, but Get through recovery better and recover faster In addition to getting enough rest, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and take steps to strengthen your immune system.

What are the best foods or drinks to eat when you have a cold? Although there are many foods recommended as defense-boosting foods, the reality is that in most cases there is little or no evidence for this.

Still, even if you have no appetite or the food tastes bad, your body still needs calories. So you should eat.Best choice when you have a cold Hydrating foods and drinks They are nutritious and as comfortable as possible.

Soup, grandma’s recipe, has some science behind it

Sore throat, drink soup, eat

Soup is Classic remedies for overcoming coldswhich is also supported by some scientific evidence.

Not only is chicken soup rich in nutrients, it also aids in rehydration, and according to lab tests, it’s even better Helps relieve sore throats and coughs.

Similar findings to a small 2008 study.The study found Consumption of hot drinks (also called an infusion) provides immediate and lasting relief from flu and cold symptoms, including runny nose, sneezing, chills, and tiredness.

Science also points out Drink hot water or hot chicken soup Helps clear mucus faster.

Honey relieves coughs like medicine but without side effects

In order to improve efficiency, Put honey in that glass of milk or hot infusion You try to use it to calm the disease.

According to Oxford University, this food may be Treatment is as effective or more effective than any drug Treats coughs and common colds.Previous research has also pointed to it as an option More convenient for children, Even ahead of cough syrup as it has fewer side effects than these.

But never feed honey to babies under 12 months old. They may contain bacteria that can cause fatal conditions that minors are unable to eliminate due to premature digestive system development.

Increase vitamin C intake

If you’re healthy, feeling fine, and just trying to avoid a cold, ascorbic acid won’t do much for you. But if you’re already sick, that’s a different story.Because of this vitamin Can shorten the duration and severity of colds, According to the doctor.

this General forest fruits, kiwi and citrus fruits They are a good source.he Broccoli, cauliflower or red pepper They are other vegetables that also provide you with a lot of nutrients.

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