Experts say there are signs your cold is getting better News from Mexico

Hermosillo, Sonora – common cold It is an infection caused by a variety of viruses, of which rhinovirus is the most common. It usually takes several days for symptoms to appear after exposure to the virus. These flu-like symptoms tend to appear gradually.

A cold attack is characterized by the appearance of clear mucus, which subsequently changes color to white, yellow, or green, indicating the progression of the disease. when. . .when Mucus clears againInfectious disease expert Shiv Sudhakar, MD, believes the condition is improving.

The contagiousness of the common cold begins even before symptoms appear.Photo: GH Archives

over time, symptom The intensity of cold tends to decrease:

• Reduce body pain.
• Reduce nasal congestion.
• Reduced cough frequency.
• Relieves sore throat.

Generally speaking, a cold is usually Lasts between one week and ten days, Although this may vary depending on each individual’s health status. In rare cases, people with weakened immune systems may experience symptoms that last more than three weeks due to a reduced ability to fight infection.

Experts mentioned, cold infection It occurs days before symptoms appear, which facilitates its spread and keeps it contagious during the onset of symptoms. Generally speaking, symptoms usually last about a week. The virus is most likely to spread when people are at the peak of their illness.

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