10 Tips for Emergency Physicians to Avoid Contagion

As every December, respiratory infections are at their peak. But health centers still face difficult days in January as next week is expected to be the peak of the flu season.

Specifically, due to the high incidence of influenza A cases in Spain, the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES) reminds us of the importance of preventing contagion.

The ten recommendations include:

– Wash your hands often: before eating, before handling food, after leaving the bathroom, and after blowing your nose or coughing.

-Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough: If possible, use your arm or a tissue instead of your hands.

– Use disposable tissues: Throw them away after each use, do not put them in a used pocket or leave them on a table or bedside table.

-Avoid kissing and very close contact, as well as sharing glasses, cutlery, towels and other items that may have come into contact with saliva or secretions.

-If someone in your home has the flu, clean common surfaces (doorknobs, sinks, handles) more frequently using common cleaning products and open windows more often to ventilate rooms.

– Live a healthy life: sleep well, eat a healthy diet, drink water, stay physically active and avoid alcoholic beverages and tobacco.

– The use of masks is only recommended in the following situations:

+ When in the presence of other people, especially in poorly ventilated areas, who are sick or starting to experience flu-related symptoms.

+Health care providers in the presence of patients with influenza A (H1N1) or patients with symptoms compatible with the influenza A (H1N1) virus.

+In enclosed spaces, always try to provide ventilation.

– If you are in a high-risk group (chronic disease, obesity, over 65 years old, sick children over 6 months old, health care workers), you need to get a flu vaccine

-The virus can spread from 1 day before symptoms appear to 7 days after symptoms appear, and is most contagious in the first 3 days after symptoms appear. It is recommended to stay at home to ensure that you do not spread it to others.

– If you have any questions, please consult a health professional.

Influenza cases doubled in mid-December, while the incidence of covid-19 also increased, according to the latest data from the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII).

Data from ISCIII show that the incidence rate of acute respiratory diseases in Spanish primary care in the third week of December was 739.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase of 37.17% from the previous week, especially influenza.

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