Respiratory viruses flood primary care, influenza reaches epidemic levels – Zaragoza

If it’s not you, then there must be someone in your family or friends who is struggling these days. Fever, cough, general malaise... Symptoms are common and are Primary care consultations are saturated. At some health centers, if you try to make an appointment, they will give you January 9th or 10th.This pair hospital emergency“These services are already saturated, because primary care is also saturated, so many people cannot access them,” explained the secretary of the Medical School of Zaragoza. Primary Care Physician, Belén Lomba.

exactly influenzafor example, has reached Aragon epidemic level.and live with him Coronavirus and other respiratory infections. Influenza is the disease that causes the most wars.In addition to upper respiratory tract infection, any cold “is also accompanied by fever, headache and invalidate you for a week“. this Coronavirus“Thanks to the vaccine, it’s leaving Symptoms are mild“.

Regardless, Lomba asks for common sense. The Best is”Stay at home, take paracetamol or ibuprofen, and only see a doctor if symptoms persist after a few days“. This advice also applies to children. “Even though the fever is very alarming and the parents are nervous, nothing happens,” he said.

Although this type of respiratory tract infection “They are not imminent emergencies”, consultation filled other things because those who were working needed a lower part This justifies your absence from work. Lomba asked for “peace of mind” that the reports would be based on the first day of their absence and would be processed even on subsequent days.

COVID test yes or no?

In these days of family reunions, should we continue to get tested for COVID-19 just in case?lomba thinks No longer “so necessary” Take these types of tests. But please do maintain precautions. “If you have an upper respiratory tract cold and a cough, you should put on maskwhich protects you and those around you, because these days we gather together and we must respect others and not spread the virus, “insured the professional.

It is precisely because of the Christmas holiday that some professionals are on vacation. Reorganize resources Wait times for primary care may be longer.Remember, there are also health centers Continuing care consultation and reinforcement.

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