Tired of getting vaccinated, click on the flu campaign

new ministry of health Several challenges posed by the last regional elections were largely the result of more than three years pandemic Coronavirus disease.The first one is a bit incomprehensible waiting list, The second is people’s fatigue with vaccination.

this flu vaccination campaign It struck a community unaccustomed to large-scale immunization against seasonal viruses. In mid-December, only one fifth of citizens had been vaccinated of Target population Asked to do so.

Children under the age of five participating in this event for the first time did not come in large numbers to be vaccinated.During the year, pediatricians highlighted the good news that there is a drug, a monoclonal antibody, that can Protect babies from the scary respiratory syncytial virus that causes bronchiolitis. They regret that when reliable and tested drugs finally became available, the autonomous region was the last to start the immunization program. Those responsible for public health, both outgoing and incoming, blame each other for the delays, but without assessing who is right, the fact is that in other autonomous regions where political changes are also taking place, medicines Arrive earlier…

Health workers and doctors can especially celebrate the arrival of medical consultants

Regarding the waiting list, earlier this month, counselors Manuela Garcia proposes a shock plan.Plans to give certain people more referrals Private clinic Also overwhelmed, more extraordinary activities were undertaken for the improvement of its own human resources and management contracts Health Services at Health Services Center. These management contracts set care goals for the year and reward achievement and improvement. Doctors complain that their salaries are low. They are now expected to improve.

Because health care workers in general and doctors in particular can celebrate the arrival of a medical consultant.they have announced salary improvement, the resumption of career supplements and the creation of difficult-to-fill job categories to facilitate the arrival of oncologists in Ibiza. In addition to meeting the eternal needs of the medical community: Eliminate Catalan language requirement Visit a location within health services.

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