Health asks for reassurance as flu cases rise

peaceful. This is the news announced yesterday by José María Eiros, Head of the Microbiology Department at Riohotega University Hospital and Director of the National Influenza Center in Valladolid, in view of the current rebound in registered respiratory infections. Experts say this is “common in influenza epidemics” and is “a far cry” from the peak reached 20 years ago (2004 and 2008), when the incidence rate was about 3,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The committee made 134 recommendations in its previous report earlier this week. “We are far away and there is room to go up. That doesn’t worry us. We know that after that season, and then successive seasons come, the prevalence of influenza infection decreases,” he said in assessing Casti Lia Leon stated at a press conference on the current status of respiratory virus incidence.

Eros acknowledged that the health system has seen an increase in the spread and activity of the flu virus in recent weeks, “particularly infecting the very young, young children, but also older adults and” those with certain underlying conditions, certain medical conditions. People become more complex. Long-term changes in large-scale human economic systems and immunosuppressed people. ”

In this sense, he encouraged society to take the vaccine as the best prevention tool and invited meetings during the remaining days of Christmas to practice extreme precautions, such as hand hygiene and the use of masks in case of symptoms. However, he believes the best thing to do when “you think you have the flu” is to stay home. “These measures are necessary and can help but do not detract from the real achievement of medicine, which is vaccination.”

“At some point, there may be an increase in hospital demand,” but he emphasized that “services will primarily be provided in an outpatient setting.” However, he explained that if “the system needs help at some point,” it will work with ” “young children under 12 months and the elderly” are associated, with barriers erected over the age of 80.

The microbiologist is convinced that influenza epidemics in this hemisphere last 12 to 16 weeks, although he demonstrates that “no two influenza epidemics are the same.” Regardless, he stuck to his “sensible message” for those who “think they have the flu” to know that its incubation period is “short”, from one to four days, and “usually two days” but “severe” general condition damage.

He went on to say that for this reason, people with the flu will miss work or, in the case of children, not go to school, which is helpful as school children are now on leave. “But it is believed that if the peak rises, at some point it will have an impact,” Eros predicted, citing the “significant economic toll” the disease is taking on the health system.

Castile and Leon as an example

The health official stressed that Castile and Leon “plays a very leading role” in the fight against these diseases. “Our sequencing activity is three times higher than our activity on a population basis, with 16% of our country’s genome sequences uploaded to the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Registry, whereas on a population basis it’s probably no more than 5%.

In this sense, he appreciated that Castile and León is “one of the few regions in Europe that is lucky enough to have a system for vaccinating people in nursing homes” and that once the vaccine is administered, blood samples will be taken afterwards be used for detection. Check whether the vaccine “induced the production of antibodies,” according to the Irish Health Service.

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