Vinicius’ super tattoo on his back was wrongly commented

Real Madrid striker Vinicius Junior has surprised his followers with a new tattoo on his back. It’s a tribute to four great sports legends: Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Pele and Muhammad Ali, which takes up his entire back, and it’s what he took advantage of during the winter break.

tattoo, Done by Gangsta tattoo artist, It covers the entire back of the player and is rich in detail. In the image above, you can see Michael Jordan striking one of his most iconic poses, with the ball in hand and arms extended. At the bottom, Pele appears to be celebrating a goal with Brazil. In the middle are Kobe Bryant and Muhammad Ali, both at important points in their careers.

The tattoos clearly reflect Vinicius’ admiration for these four athletes. Jordan is considered by many to be the greatest basketball player of all time, while Kobe is one of the greatest players in NBA history. Pele is considered by many to be the greatest footballer of all time, and Alli is one of the most influential athletes of the 20th century. Vinicius wants to make it clear that he is an athlete with the same ambitions as the greats of the sport, they are his references and there is no doubt that he will strive to reach their heights.

However, one detail of the tattoo caught the attention of many people.: Michael Jordan is portrayed as left-handed. Jordan is, in fact, right-handed, but in the image Vinicius chose to tattoo, the player is throwing with his left hand.He put it on the right, but the responsibility was on the left

This detail caused some controversy on social networks. Some users criticized Vinicius for not bothering to check whether Jordan was left- or right-handed. Others defended the player, arguing that the tattoo was merely an artistic expression and not necessarily authentic.

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