Influenza A spreads in Spain: symptoms and differences from other viruses

2024 has begun, albeit not smoothly.We haven’t even gotten through the first week of the year yet and we’ve already been through Japan earthquake disaster and a Multiple cases of influenza A paralyze hospitals in Spain.Rebound in influenza cases leads to Thousands of people go to medical centers and hospitals Because of the symptoms and effects it can have on people who haven’t been vaccinated yet.

Influenza A is the most commonly known name for influenza. Influenza A virus,This is a Respiratory diseases Caused by H1N1 virus. It is highly contagious through respiratory droplets expelled when coughing or sneezing.The spread of the virus may be due to The virus has a strong ability to mutate, making long-term immunity difficult. It is due to this mutational capacity that infection rates continue to soar every year despite vaccine prevention campaigns.

There are also infections The numbers on these dates are increased due to crowds This takes place either on the street or in houses where dinners and family gatherings are held.The winter weather didn’t help either; Cold temperatures in Spain favor immunity and spread of virus. Influenza A is potentially dangerous to vulnerable groups: Children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems.

Influenza A Symptoms

This influenza A virus has Symptoms are similar to other respiratory infections, such as the common cold or COVID-19. The symptoms are as follows:

Symptoms of influenza A or influenza A virus:

  • Fever: One of the most common symptoms.
  • Cough: Dry cough or expectoration.
  • Sore throat: An irritated or painful feeling in the throat.
  • Nasal congestion: A stuffy or runny nose.
  • Muscle pain: They can affect the entire body.
  • Fatigue: A feeling of extreme tiredness.
  • Headache: May be severe.
  • Chills: Feeling cold and shivering.
  • General malaise: Feeling unwell or weak.

In extreme cases, Influenza A can cause pneumoniaso if you are seriously ill, it is best to go to a health center or hospital.

Differences from other viruses

Influenza A Symptoms They are not much different from other common virusesalthough it has some characteristics that distinguish it from others and is divided into Virus types, genetic variability, modes of transmission and their vaccines.

Differences from other viruses:

  • Virus type: Influenza A is caused by the influenza A virus. Other types of influenza include influenza B and C. Influenza A viruses can infect humans and animals, while influenza B and C viruses generally only affect humans.
  • Genetic Variation: Influenza A viruses are known for their ability to mutate frequently, which can create new strains. This is what leads to the need for a seasonal flu vaccine, as the strains change every year. This genetic variation can lead to the emergence of epidemics, such as the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic.
  • interspecies transmission: Influenza A viruses can spread between humans and animals, unlike other respiratory infections. For example, avian influenza (caused by H5N1 or H7N9 strains) and swine influenza (such as H1N1) are variants of influenza A that are of concern because of their ability to infect animals and humans.
  • specific vaccines: Unlike other respiratory infections, influenza A has a specific vaccine to prevent infection and reduce the severity of the disease. These vaccines are typically updated annually to respond to the prevailing strains.

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