5 Myths About Preventing and Treating Colds

Before getting into the debate, doctors and preventionists Vicente Boss Put all the cards on the table. “When we talk about colds, we’re talking about Viral infection thus affecting Upper respiratory tract“Doctors point out that the root of the mucus, headaches and general discomfort caused by colds is nothing more than a virus. Or rather, the many pathogens that circulate during these times of the year. “These viruses take advantage of the cold and dry nature of autumn and winter weather. , We create more life indoors And the ‘bug’ can be passed from one person to another,” Bowes said.

“The best prevention is hygiene and preventive measures, the best remedy is mitigation. Everything else is nonsense”

Vicente Baos, preventive physician

Experts explain that cold seasons are concentrated in the colder months of each hemisphere and are part of the cold season. The natural cycle of viruses (By the way, last year was interrupted due to the widespread presence of covid-19). On average, adults have an estimated 2 to 5 colds per year, and children have 4 to 8 colds.In most cases, these viruses cause mild symptoms They heal with time and patience. “The best prevention is hygiene and preventive measures, the best remedy is mitigation. Everything else is nonsense,” Baos concluded.

One of the most common beliefs about the cause of colds is the common cold.But as doctors and communicators explain Esther Samper, nothing is more wrong than the classic “dress up and you’ll catch a cold.” “Flu and colds are caused by viruses, not coldsSamper explained that it was neither a sudden change in temperature nor a sudden change in airflow. According to doctors in the book If It Stings, It Can Heal: 50 Bad Health Habits Revealed, “You could be in Siberia itself with temperatures of -40 degrees and a swimsuit that, If you are not exposed to any viruses, you will not catch a cold. Instead, you might wear more clothes than onions and catch a cold from exposure to the virus. “

“Flu and colds are caused by viruses, not colds, or sudden changes in temperature or airflow”

Esther Samper, physician and communicator

Samper explains that the fact that we associate colds with colds is due to Comprehensive situation. For one thing, viruses survive (and spread) better in cold, dry environments. On the other hand, the low temperature during this period “reduces the defense capabilities of the respiratory mucosa and is conducive to viral infection.” Finally, as Baus said, the fact that we spend more time indoors during the fall and winter months creates the perfect breeding ground for viruses to spread from one person to another. Exactly the same situation with the coronavirus that causes covid-19.

Is there any point in taking it? vitamin supplements Prevent colds?nutritionist Julio Basulto, a prominent figure in debunking nutrition scams, responded with a resounding no. “Taking vitamin supplements does not prevent colds. Not even orange juice. “Enriched with vitamin C, an Actimel or some pills that advertise that they are the best shield of defense,” commented the popularizer. The principle, he explains, is simple. Only one compound can enhance defenses. ; vaccine”Everything else is nonsense“, said Basulto.

“Taking vitamin supplements does not prevent colds. Neither does orange juice, which is rich in vitamin C.”

Julio Basuto, nutritionist

As Basulto explains, There is no magic way to boost your immune system. In theory, in order to maintain healthy defenses, you must follow a healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy and balanced diet, correct sleep patterns, and good physical activity habits. But even these good habits don’t prevent colds, according to popularists.

“Eat better or Sleeping too much this season won’t help you avoid catching a cold. Although I am the first person to want to promote healthy living habits, I cannot say ‘eating well helps prevent colds’ because that would give false hope,” Basulto concluded.

we have all heard of it teaspoon honey,A ginger infusion Or maybe garlic sauce is the “holy hand” against colds. Basuto refutes all these home remedies with scientific evidence. “Several studies have been conducted on these topics, and No one has found conclusive evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of these compounds,” commented the popularizer. The nutritionist also ruled out Use propolis, echinacea and food supplements This is natural as they are also not supported by scientific evidence.

As Basulto explains, the best technique for spotting this type of scam is critical judgment. “If it sounds too good to be true, it isn’t.“Experts say.

“If it sounds too good to be true, it’s not true.”

“today There are no medications or treatments that can shorten the duration of a cold..What exists is an arsenal Symptom relief productsPharmacist Roi Cal, spokesman for the Farmaciencia platform, explained. “Pharmacies sell medicines that are very effective in relieving colds, as well as medicines that don’t work at all, such as homeopathic remedies,” the expert explains.

“Today, there are no drugs or treatments that can shorten the duration of a cold. All that exists is an arsenal of products that relieve symptoms.”

Roy Carr, pharmacist

As Carl explains, “ best medicine This is the drug your doctor or pharmacist recommends, not the drug advertised on TV as a miracle drug for everyone. “Experts advise against self-medication because, far from being a harmless practice, mixing medications can cause adverse effects. For example, Cal also explains Some flu medications are contraindicated For people who are taking medications for depression or have blood-thinning conditions.

Dr. Vicente Baos concludes that the best way to treat a cold is to “Stay at home and rest for a few days“.”There is no magic bullet This will make your symptoms go away, but if you stay home for a few days, you can prevent the discomfort from getting worse, and, You will not contribute to a “breeding ground” for infecting others” commented the expert, who recalled that in countries such as Germany, “going to work sick is frowned upon. ”

Bowes suggested that after returning home act with common sensecover yourself with a blanket, and then a little patient until symptoms disappear. “Tea with honey does not cure colds, because if your throat is inflamed, you will find it more pleasant to drink it than to eat a rough, dry piece of bread,” the doctor said. “The viral process gets inside and proceeds at its own speed, regardless of your wishes and needs. Did you know that nature takes action on its own? Well, it works on stars and lymphocytes,” joked Baus.

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