Influenza A and COVID-19 cases nearly double in Puente Genil

Respiratory infections continue to affect hundreds of Córdobans, according to the latest surveillance report compiled by the Carlos III Institute based on data from the Andalusian government. In Córdoba, the number of infections fell again in the capital of Córdoba and in the southern region of the province, but increased in the Guadalquivir health zone and in the entire northern region.

in the case of henir bridgeThis newspaper confirmed that the average patient care rate at local hospitals dealing with such issues has increased from 100 to 120 cases per day to record average 190 users helped The peak was 240 due to daily respiratory illness. Generally speaking, these are common diseases and lung diseases in the elderly, especially influenza A, which is more affected than COVID-19.

In the capital Cordoba, the incidence rate has dropped from 434.4 to 422.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, according to available data. It’s still a high ratio but has stabilized. The average number of cases in Andalusia is 459. The situation in the province of Córdoba is similar, but slightly higher: 469 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In the Southern Health region, incidence rates are declining but remain high. Thus, in the first week of the year, the number of cases increased from 430.4 to 418.4 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Health authorities believe the peak of influenza and COVID-19 may have passed, but the common cold has not yet reached its peak. From the start of the 2023-2024 season until the first week of the year, the Virgen de las Nieves laboratory in Granada analyzed 1,863 sentinel samples from patients with respiratory illnesses for the diagnosis of influenza, SARS-CoV-2 and RSV. A total of 535 viruses were detected. 10% are from COVID-19, another 10% are from influenza, and the remainder are from various types of common colds. The positivity rate for influenza, which is one of the hardest-hit viruses even though it’s not the one that causes the most infections, was 7 percent.

However, Andalusia has a much lower incidence of respiratory diseases than the rest of Spain, with 935 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In Castile and La Mancha, the incidence is close to 1,700 cases.

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