Masks could no longer be mandatory if incidence remains low | Aragon

The mandatory mask mandate at the Aragon Health Center has been in place for three weeks.he Flu cases surge Its use became a hot topic again earlier this year. Now, with infection numbers falling, its mandatory nature could be reviewed.

New updated incidence data will be released on Tuesday. If the trend is confirmed, it would be two weeks into the decline. The health department flagged the situation as aggressively eliminating masks again.

this Influenza AThresholds doubled this year in addition to other respiratory viruses Popularityalmost five times, reaching 303 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Last week, flu began to decline after rising for five consecutive weeks, showing signs of weakness, with the number of confirmed cases at 231.It was still in the epidemic stage, but the reality was Pressure on health centers and hospitals now lessenedthere are fewer patients to care for, and fewer patients are hospitalized.

Aragon devised a phased plan to remove masks: first, users would remove them, but if the incidence rate did not drop to 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, they would be reserved for professionals.

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