California’s “triple plague” is in a soft start phase.Here’s what you should know about ‘flu’ season, respiratory syncytial virus and coronavirus

In short

This fall, new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines and newer COVID-19 booster vaccines give Californians more tools to protect themselves against respiratory viruses.

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We can’t call it a “triple dilemma”… at least not yet.

Influenza, or “the flu,” respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and COVID-19 will be circulating this fall, but not yet at the rates that worried public health agencies a year ago.

With the onset of winter, these diseases typically peak between December and February, and experts warn that this could change at any time and advise people to take preventive measures such as vaccination.

There’s good news for those worried about respiratory viruses: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved two RSV vaccines and another for use in susceptible people.

Some vaccine manufacturers have also updated their COVID-19 booster doses to be recommended for children 5 years and older.

Public health experts generally expect this year’s flu season to be mild. The last year has been particularly grim, with social activities returning to normal and COVID-19 social distancing rules ending. Experts say more than two years of staying home and taking precautions can protect people from the flu virus, but once they resume normal social activities, their immunity will also decrease.

“We found a pretty good match with the flu vaccine, which will help, and we haven’t seen large-scale outbreaks of influenza locally and nationally,” said Dr. Marlene Millen, an internist at UC San Diego. Popularity.”

If you haven’t gotten up to date on your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations, it’s not too late. Here’s what you should know about this cold and flu season.

What is the full picture of influenza, respiratory syncytial virus and coronavirus?

“The big answer is that it’s uncertain,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease physician at the University of California, San Francisco.

Experts say the exact infection patterns of these respiratory viruses are unpredictable due to a variety of factors including human interaction, travel and prevention habits. According to the California Department of Public Health, it’s too early to tell the severity of each illness this season.

“As more people shelter in place for school, exercise and holiday gatherings, Californians are exposing themselves to respiratory virus threats,” California Department of Public Health Director Dr. Thomas Aragon said in a release “Anyone can be affected by winter illnesses; however, some people, including older adults, people with weakened immune systems or chronic medical conditions, pregnant women, and young children, are at increased risk of severe illness and death.”

“These are not new viruses, so all the risks are already there. The most important thing is to listen to what’s going on and pay attention.”

PhD. Marlene Millen, UC San Diego

Chin-Hong said that while COVID-19 infections have stabilized in recent months, there could be a rebound, especially among vulnerable groups.

The state’s respiratory infection reports show RSV infections are currently increasing, ahead of influenza and COVID-19. But the state also has more tools to fight the disease than it did last year. Chin-Hong said the new RSV vaccine combined with remaining immunity from last year could result in a relatively mild RSV season than last year.

What worries experts is that infection rates for all three respiratory diseases will peak at the same time, which could overwhelm the health care system. This situation is now known as the “triple dilemma.”

“This is a possibility every year. I always pray that this doesn’t happen because we are so busy at the hospital, especially in the clinic and other places,” Millen said. “It’s worrisome to see these three factors peak at the same time every year since COVID-19. If that happens, our health care system will be even more impacted.”

Should I be worried?

Millen said while infections may be spreading faster than expected, there was no reason to panic.

“These are not new viruses, so all the risks are already there,” he said. “The most important thing is to listen to what’s going on and pay attention.”

Various treatments can help reduce serious infections and mortality. Experts also say people should continue to take precautions, such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently and staying away from crowded places, just as they did during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How do I know if I have the flu, COVID-19, or RSV?

All three viruses have similar symptoms and all attack the respiratory system, causing symptoms such as colds, fever, cough, congestion or runny nose, body aches and fatigue, and chills. Infections with all three viruses may also be asymptomatic.

Doctors recommend that if you develop any respiratory symptoms or fever, self-isolate to avoid putting others around you at risk, especially young children and the elderly.

“If you’re sick, stay home,” Millen said. “Viral loads are very high early in the disease, which is when transmission of the disease occurs, so wait.”

What is the current guidance on vaccines?

For both influenza and COVID-19, the state Department of Public Health recommends that everyone over 6 months of age be vaccinated. Children over 6 months old should get the annual ‘flu’ vaccine, and children over 5 years old should also get the newer COVID-19 booster vaccine this year.

For RSV, doctors recommend that everyone who is eligible get vaccinated. This includes adults 60 and older, pregnant women, infants 8 months and younger, and at-risk children 8 to 19 months old.

For those without health insurance, California has several resources to get vaccines for free, including federally qualified health centers, the COVID-19 Vaccine Bridge Program and the Children’s Vaccine Program.

What’s the status of the new RSV vaccine?

Earlier this year, three RSV shots were approved: two vaccines and an antibody shot.

Both vaccines are approved for use in older adults and pregnant women. It is recommended that pregnant women receive the vaccine between 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy, which will reduce the risk of infection in the newborn. All adults aged 60 and older can get the geriatric vaccine because they are at higher risk of infection than younger people.

Antibody preparation provides laboratory-prepared monoclonal antibodies to infants and young children at high risk for infection who may not be able to produce their own antibodies. This vaccine is recommended for all infants younger than 8 months of age and for at-risk children 8 to 19 months of age.

The current shortage of antibody vaccines is causing concern among pediatricians, especially as RSV infections increase this winter.

This story was supported by the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF), which works to ensure people can get the care they need, when they need it, at an affordable price.visited to know more information.

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