Pope says he has ‘a little bronchitis’ again


Pope Francis said today that he had “a bit of bronchitis” again and would rather not read the text of a speech he had prepared for an audience with French correspondents.

“I want to read the whole speech, but I have a problem, a little bit of bronchitis,” said Francisco, who had delivered his planned speech to his first two audiences of the day, although his voice was tired.

At the end of November, Francis suffered from “pulmonary inflammation”, which forced him to miss some events and cancel the COP28 climate summit scheduled to be held in Dubai in early December.

The 87-year-old pope then underwent a CT scan (computed axial tomography) at a Rome hospital, which confirmed the health problems and started antibiotic treatment.

It took him several days to recover from bronchitis, during which time he was helped by a collaborator who read out his speech.

The pope has suffered from multiple ailments over the last year due to age and complex surgery for an abdominal hernia.

In April, he was hospitalized for three days with bronchitis and had to be treated with antibiotics, raising concerns because the pope arrived in an ambulance with a fever.

In June, unexpectedly, due to adhesions during colon diverticulum surgery in July 2021, he had to undergo abdominal hernia surgery again and was hospitalized for 9 days.Effie

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