COVID-19 disrupts traditional flu seasonality

A study conducted by researchers clinical microbiology services and Department of Paediatrics, Clinical University of Navarra Already discovered Covid-19 breaks the traditional temporality of influenza and syncytial viruses Until May 2022.

Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice is the journal that published the findings of this study.behind Lifting precautionary restrictions During Spring 2021, Children and young people return to school This produces a Spread of common viruses gradually increases at these ages. They experienced unusual delays and peak periods beyond typical epidemic periods.

Melania Inigo,belong University of Navarra Clinical Microbiology Service Clinicalready explained “After Covid-19, there has been a clear change in seasonality Number of respiratory viral infections compared to pre-pandemic.Traditionally, we have two major viral epidemics each year: Syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza virus. ”

Covid-19 has thrown flu seasonality out of balance.

According to doctors, RSV bronchiolitis has a special impact on clinical practice Children under 2 years old It is usually detected between October and March. However, After confinement The school canceled preventive measures, unusually high incidence Between March and July.

“immediately, Influenza epidemics usually occur between November and December and March and April, and they will basically disappear until December in 2021 The highest peak in prevalence occurred between March and May 2022. “Currently, Inigo has guaranteed Common seasonality has returned Two epidemics.

Increased unnecessary diagnosis

Another of the most important data from the study was revealed by two students from the college University of Navarra School of Medicine, It’s him Changes in diagnostic algorithms It existed then and is partially maintained today. “Before Covid-19, many Undiagnosed respiratory tract infection Definitely microbiological…” One researcher noted.

due to need Antigen and PCR testing In order to be able to travel and establish isolation, a pan-diagnostic situation occurred this means Laboratories and medical centers collapsed. Even so, “once this stage is overcome, the trend should return to previous diagnostic indicators for risk groups,” the student said.

Masks and vaccinations

About use maskInigo believes that “it should be recommended in the same situation as before the pandemic, that is, during an influenza epidemic, when we are with people with risk factors…”. Infants, the elderly, immunosuppressed patients, or pregnant women at the time of RSV infection are among these risk groups. Experts say it’s ‘necessary’ Vaccination.

“This year, Spain introduced RSV immunization in infants under 6 months of age, and although we have not yet analyzed the data, we observed very significant decrease Number of hospital admissions and severity index of bronchiolitis symptoms in this age group,” the researchers concluded.

Covid-19 has thrown flu seasonality out of balance.

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