Community flu vaccination campaign ends, 1.5 million people vaccinated against RSV, 96% of infants adhere to vaccination

Madrid, February 5 (European Press) –

On January 31, the Madrid community concluded the seasonal influenza vaccination campaign that started on October 16. 1.5 million people have been vaccinated, and 96% of newborns have been vaccinated against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), reducing hospital admissions. 70% of people have bronchiolitis.

Specifically, the influenza campaign coverage reaches 69% of people aged 65 and over, a total of 844,441 people; 1 million citizens, including 75% of Madrid’s population over 80 years old, have been strengthened against Covid-19; 85,155 people aged 6 months Healthy children up to the age of 5 received this preventive treatment, a first-of-its-kind measure in the region.

Regarding immunization against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which causes bronchiolitis, 81% of the target population, 36,227 children under 6 months of age and newborns, have been immunized since October 1 (since October, The vaccination rate is 96%).

Health Minister Fatima Matut reported the figures during a visit to the health center in the capital Las Cortes, recalling that there was a peak in the flu in the last week of last year and that it was trending downward. The number of Covid-19 infections continued to fall, falling by 62% from the previous week, and revenue fell by 50%.

“Overall, the trend for acute respiratory infections, as well as for influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, continues to decrease. In all cases, the trend remains downward,” stressed Public Health Director Elena Andradas.

VRS leads to lower income for babies

To this end, the Minister of Health highlighted that the number of children hospitalized with RSV has dropped by 70% compared to the 365 children hospitalized with RSV last year.

“By reducing the number of bronchiolitis cases, we are preventing these young children from ultimately developing complications throughout their lives. This is one of the most important aspects of respiratory syncytial virus in causing infections in infants, children under six months of age. Public Health Director Elena Andradas emphasizes: “As they age, they are prone to recurring bronchitis and may even be left with asthma attacks for the rest of their lives. “

In this framework, the consultant emphasized the importance of continuing vaccination and congratulated himself on the almost 100% compliance rate among nursing homes “who are our most vulnerable patients”. “We will continue to teach and continue to calculate the benefits and risks of vaccination, which are very small and have almost no side effects,” he insisted.

Second-dose Covid-19 vaccinations are being maintained at public health centers and other authorized points in the region for high-risk groups, such as those over 60 and those aged 12 to 59 with existing medical conditions.

In the case of RSV, the outbreak in the Niño Jesús public hospital and in public and private maternity hospitals (for newborns) continued until March 31, resulting in a reduction of more than 50% in the number of cases and a 70% reduction in admissions Children are those under one year old.

In order to deal with the spread of this typical disease, the Autonomous Community of Madrid has launched the measures planned for the winter, which include the employment of more than a thousand professionals in hospital centers and the provision of more than a thousand hospital beds. Meet care needs with daily stress monitoring.

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